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作者:2022-07-04 10:15:430




(1)Scholastic aptitude(学习方面的才能)

a.Native intellectual ability(天赋)



d.Capacity for analytical thinking(分析思考能力)

e.Intellectual curiosity; spirit of inquiry(好奇心)

f.Ability to work independently(独立学习工作的能力)




j.Capability for abstract reasoning(抽象推理的能力)

k.Potential as a researcher(研究的潜力)

l.Potential as a teacher(教学的潜力)

m.Ability to express his ideas orally and in writing(口头或文字的表达能力)

n.Capacity, desire and determination for good quality graduate work(获得学业成功的能力、愿望与决心)

o.Probable success as a graduate student(作为研究生成功的可能性)

(2)Academic performance(学业上的表现)

a.Breadth of general knowledge(知识丰富)

b.Knowledge of literature in his field(本专业领域知识)

c.Grade or achievement(成绩或成就)

d.Industry, diligence(勤勉)

e.Participation in discussion(讨论积极)

f.Academic maturity(学业上的成熟)


a.Ability to speak, understand, read and write the English language(听、说、读、写英文的能力)

b.Ability to read significant literature in other languages than English(英语以外的语言阅读能力)


a.Honesty; integrity(诚实)


c.Sense of responsibility(责任感)

d.Cooperation (合作)



g.Ethical and moral standards(伦理与道德标准)

h.Reliability; dependability(可靠性)









1. 熟练掌握一种音标(美式或英式)的读音















注意比较,比较有两个方面,一是音标本身发音特点的异同比较,分清特色,避免混淆,比如[ε]和[ ],

[ ]和[ ],注意其发音音色上的差别;二是注意普通话音素和外语或方言音素音色的差异,例如普通话的音素[p]、[k]、[t]与英语中的音素、[ ]、[d]的异同,通过比较,可以有效地认识到音素上的差异,从而准确发音。特别是要注意普通话音素和英语音素的差别,像、[ ]、[d]这些浊音音素,都是普通话音系中所没有的,初学不能把它们与普通话的一些辅音混为一谈。





一. 总结句型

1) ***in general/above all/with the result that/as a result/consequently, ***

2) As far as I am concerned/as for me, ***

3) This truth above seems to be self-evident.

4) Whether we examine the ***above, such things can happens anywhere anytime to anyone.

5) In my point of view, I like/prefer A much more than B.

6) I still prefer A, however, for they teach me not only to be ***but also to be*** ,both in ***and in***.

7) There is no doubt that***

8) In order to make our world a better place in which to live we should efforts to***

9) To a large extent, ***, therefore, reflects***

10) If all above mentioned measures are achieved, ***

11) Wherever you are and whatever you do, ***is always meaningful.

12) So clear/evident/obvious it is that there are quite different opinions on it.

13) Now, which one do you prefer-----the one***or the one***? Were it left to me to select, I should not hesitated a moment to choose the former/latter.

二. 开首句型

1) Have you ever gone***? Have you ever been to***? If you have no experience like these, your life is an inadequate one.

2) Are you***? Are you***? We are, usually.

3) In large part as a consequence of***, somebody have focused a great deal of attention in recent years on something.

4) We expect the day will come when A with its characteristic of***

5) Being adj. is one of the virtues that people must possess (not only in***but also in***/during***/when***)

6) What A to B, that C to D

7) Currently, there is a widespread/serious concern over that***

8) The reasons for the***are manifold, for instance, ***

9) Several factors contribute to this***, such as***, as for as I’m concerned, however, ***is the most significant ingredient/element.

10) ***is more violent than what we thought it should be before.

11) There are intimate relations between the two.

三. 并列句型

1) Some people like A due to***.However, there are many young people, including me, especially like B.

2) There might be two reasons, I think***, for the change.

3) A and B are both important, they are attribute which are equally necessary for a person to achieve success in his life.

4) Different people have different attitudes towards***, some believe that***others, however, argue that***still others maintain that***

5) First***besides, in addition***what’s more***

6) For one thing***nevertheless, for another***

四. 转折句型

1)***Such defects as mentioned above can be prevented by the other way of ***

2) Except for ***’s sake only.

3) Perhaps A is the wrong word, however, B might be better.

4) First***last but not least***

5) Shall we do this? Not necessary the case.

6) ***, and vice versa indeed .

7) On the contrary, in spite of these increase***

8) Compared with A, B has many advantages such as***

9) Not so much*** as he had talked about.

10) ***, the truth of the matter, however, is that***

11) For some, the way maybe right, nevertheless, for many others***

12) As everything going to the extreme has its negative aspects, so has***

13) It is fairly well know that***however, it is less know that***

14) ***, but this was not always the case.

15) At first, ***different in their opinions, on second thoughts, however, all of them agree to***

16) None the less(尽管如此)***

17) When people succeed, it is because of hard work, however, luck has a lot to do with it too.

18) ***, sometimes it isn’t totally the case, however.

19) Do some A else but B.

五. 名理句型

1) It is usually the case that ***

2) It is plain common sense---the more/less***the more/less***

3) The serious reality had taught us a lesson: not being environment friendly will be avenged mercilessly.

4) As a proverb says/as is known to all/as a popular saying goes, ***

5) I can think of no better illustration than an English poem/adage which goes like this:***

6) The old story of***can serve as a good illustration that***

六. 强调句型

1) With/due to/spurred by***we can certainly cope with any task we are faced with, that is, ***

2) The reason why***is no other than***as I know.

3) The same thing is true with***

4) What I want to point out is that, for a person who wants to be successful in life and to be useful in society, he will have to learn to be both A and B.

5) What a wonderful picture? Especially for we students always swimming in the sea of books!

6) It’s high time that immediate measures were taken to better the strength and face the challenges.

7) Before everything else, ***is the secret of success.

七. 图表句型

1) From the figures/statistics given in the table it can be seen/noticed that***

2) From the graph/table/diagram/chart above, we can see that***obviously.

3) As show in the chart/by the graph***

4) Have you ever anticipated the prospects of***in the coming decades? Let us just take a look at the figures of***as shown in the graph above.

5) The gap between***and***will be further widened.

6) In face of increasingly serious shortage of energy, we should take effective measures/which of the measures we should take?

7) It is clear that the increase of percentage gets greater and greater.

8) By***, the number of***had less/more than doubled/tripled compared with that of***

9) 短语:made up about***/the figure amounted to/will rise to/will reach/will double that/will tripled that



怎样写好英语句子(一).txt41滴水能穿石,只因为它永远打击同一点。42火柴如果躲避燃烧的痛苦,它的一生都将黯淡无光。怎样写好英语句子(一) 我们在前面曾提过学生的作文主要有以下几个方面的问题:第一、英语底子太薄。第二、词汇量太小,且对已学词汇记忆不清。第三、表达思想不清楚。 下面我们以考生的实际作文来进行一下分析。

1) Some one consider that fresh water will not touch its end.(96年1月,2分)2) One mans life lack of money, he will impossible to live on. (95年1月,5分)3) As is know, that there are much fake commodities in todays society.(97年12月,6分)这里引述的例句与考生通篇作文的写作水平是一致的,其中5、6分的例句具有典型性,代表了近乎中等水平考生的写作水平。从这些例句中不难看出,中等水平的考生,事实上也包括中上等水平的考生,在写作上存在的主要问题是表达思想不清楚。表达思想不清楚的主要原因是考生作文中严重汉化的英语,即中式英语,比如: man can live happiness, Man is iron, and food is steel., "Women are half side sky."。此外,语言错误的普遍性和严重性十分惊人,比如,主谓不一致,名词单复数不分,动词时态语态滥用,常用词拼写错误比比皆是。这些严重地影响了思想的表达。考试实践表明,多数考生在写作上的主要欠缺不是系统的写作理论和方法,而是最基本的单句写作能力。文章无论长短,都是由句子组成的,句子是表达思想的最基本的单位。因此,句子是否能写得正确、达意和清楚,将直接影响整篇文章的写作质量。大学英语四、六级考试和研究生入学英语考试的实践都表明,考生写作成绩长期得不到明显提高的主要原因是欠缺写好单句的能力。为改变这种状况,我们将从剖析考生作文中的典型病句入手,对写作测试中的基本句子结构和写法进行评议和分析,来帮助考生进一步提高句子写作能力。否定结构除了在助动词、情态动词,be和have后面加not之外,还有许多不含not的否定结构。若能正确使用他们,文章会显得生动活泼,增加写作的闪光点。下面我们就来看看:1. 含有否定意义的词汇和短语以下列举的词和词组本身就具有否定的含义,因此无需用否定词。介词against, beyond, but, except, without,...形容词和动词absent, deny, differ, different, fail, free, ignore, miss, refuse, the last, used to,reluctant, lack, want,...短语keep...from, protect...from, prevent...from, let alone, at a loss, in vain, instead of, outof the question, rather than, too...to, by no means, anything but,...

我们看以下例句:1) Women fail to get the equal rights in some countries.在一些国家里妇女没有得到平等的权利。2) This is by no means the best way to solve the problem of energy crisis.这不是解决能源危机的最好的办法。3) We should protect trees from being destroyed.我们应保护树木,不让它们受破坏。

4) In old China we could not make a nail, let alone(make) machines.在旧中国,我们连一个钉子都造不了,更不用说制造机器了。2. 含有半否定意义的词语barely, hardly, few, little, rarely, scarcely, seldom, not all, not everyone, not everything,...具有半否定的意义。例句:1) We could hardly see any fresh vegetables in winter on market several years ago.几年前在冬天市场上很难见到新鲜蔬菜。2) These young people know little about how to choose good books to read.这些年轻人几乎不知道如何挑选优秀的书籍来读。3. 不含否定意义的否定结构有些词和词组形式上是否定结构,但其含义是肯定的,比如:cannot but, cant help,no sooner...than, not...until, in no time, none other than, nothing but,等等。例句:1) We cant but face the reality.我们只有面对现实。2)

These old buildings will be replaced by modern apartment buildings in no time.这些旧建筑将很快为现代化的公寓所代替。4. 否定结构的倒装语序我们有时为了强调而把否定词和词组放在句首,这时句子结构应倒装。例如:1) On no account should we

follow blindly.我们决不应当盲从。2) No where has the world ever seen such great enthusiasm for learning as in ourcountry.没有任何其他地方有我国这样高的学习热情。五、 含有it的结构考生病句:1. As is known to all of us that science and technology play an important role in thedevelopment of society.2. It is known to us, practice makes perfect.正确表达:1. It is known to all of us that science and te chnology play an important role in thedevelopment of society. (或:As is known to all of us, science...)2. It is known to us that practice makes perfect. (或:As is known to us, practice...)评议与分析:例句1是93年12月六级考试11分作文的评分样卷句子,例句2选自97年1月四级考试作文。很显然,两个考生混淆了it和as的用法。如果用it作形式主语,后面的主语从句必须由that引起;如果用as,则后面不能用that,因为as是关系代词,代表practice makes perfect。It 在英语中是个相当活跃的代词,在写作中我们常要使用它。以下几种用法应熟练掌握,并能灵活运用。1.作形式主语It is necessary for us to master a foreign language skillfully. It makes difference whetherwe could purify the air or not.2.作形式宾语We find it rather difficult to prevent people from doing that. Modern science has made itpossible for babies to grow healthily and for people to live longer.3.引导强调句It is only by this way that we can achieve success. It was then that people began to realizethe importance of controlling population.从语法结构来看,上述的句子都不难,或者可以说是考生相当熟悉的。然而在写作考试中,多数考生缺乏运用自己已掌握的句式的意识,而以自己头脑中拼凑的中式英语取而代之。其实,只要能恰当地运用上述的任何一个句式,考生的作文就会出现闪光点,就会取得比较好的成绩。




亭亭玉立 一笑倾城 小巧玲珑 楚楚动人 袅袅婷婷

七窍玲珑 丰容盛鬋 花枝招展 丰姿冶丽 稚齿婑媠

温婉娴淑 明目皓齿 淡扫峨眉 清艳脱俗 香肌玉肤

仪态万端 婉风流转 美撼凡尘 聘婷秀雅 娥娜翩跹

俏丽多姿 风姿卓越 顾盼流转 举步轻摇 艳冠群芳

剪水双瞳 美艳绝伦 神仙玉骨 姑射神人 花容月貌

绝世独立 郎才女貌 面如傅粉 面如冠玉 袅袅娉娉

袅袅婷婷 柔枝嫩条 柔枝嫩叶 色衰爱弛 香消玉损


夭桃秾李 夭桃穠李 一顾倾城 倚姣作媚 玉碎香残

月貌花容 阿娇金屋 彩云易散 姹紫嫣红 逞娇呈美

娇小玲珑 眉目如画 貌若天仙 亭亭玉立 千娇百媚

国色天资 艳若桃李 温柔可人 活泼可爱 花枝招展

楚楚动人 秀色可餐 婀娜多姿 清新单纯 面若桃花

天生丽质 天生尤物 水灵秀气 美丽动人 樱桃小口


仙女下凡 仪态万千 倾国倾城 国色天香 沉鱼落雁

闭月羞花 端庄优雅 大家闺秀 优雅大方 秀外慧中

慧质兰心 如琬似花 宛如天仙 气质非凡 秀而不媚

完美无暇 娇羞可爱 温文尔雅 明艳动人 人面桃花

柳眉杏眼 绝代佳人 一代佳人 一代容华 绝色美人

月里嫦娥 华如桃李 桃羞杏让 如花似月 芙蓉如面

娇艳惊人 冠压群芳 风华绝代 粉妆玉琢 桃腮杏脸


金莲凤头 小家碧玉 傅粉施朱 罗绮文秀 艳色绝世 温婉娴淑 仙姿玉色

绝世佳人 面如冠玉 冠压群芳 款步姗姗 阿娇金屋 风娇水媚 宛丘淑媛

罗袖初单 淡雅脱俗 风情万种 绰约多姿 巫女洛神 莺惭燕妒 夭桃秾李

秀而不媚 淡扫峨眉 多情善感 桃腮杏脸 花枝招展 仪静体闲 丽女盛饰

色艺无双 秀丽端庄 方桃譬李 貌若天仙 玉碎香残 艳美绝俗 眉清目秀

杏面桃腮 朱唇皓齿 优雅闲适 香肌玉肤 肤如凝脂 占尽风流 仪态万端


如花似月 双瞳剪水 风流尔雅 气若幽兰 艳美绝伦 二八佳人 貌似天仙

秋水伊人 温柔之至 丰姿尽展 姑射神人 风流蕴藉 娇嫩丰盈 兰心蕙性

妍姿俏丽 夭桃浓李 琼姿花貌 柔枝嫩条 花容月貌 美艳绝伦 倚栏待月

如花似玉 一顾倾城 绝代之丽 才华馥比仙 气质美如兰


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