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作者:2022-05-08 10:16:560











语法讲解忌讳生搬硬套,用语法术语去给小学生讲解。这只会使学生更加混淆,对语法彻底的晕。建议使用儿童化的语言去讲解。如前缀(un-)、后缀(-er;-ing;-ed等)词可以说是戴帽子,加尾巴。学生一下子就很明白。比直接的专业术语要好理解太多了。而且时态中的例子忌讳用生词、难词。建议使用最简单的例子讲解最难的语法知识点。教师要明确这里你只是希望学生理解句子结构和意义,并不是来检测学生的词汇记忆如何。最终起到化难为易的作用。如:现在进行时肯定句:He is watching TV now. 不用举例成: Mike is putting some beautiful balloons into his packets. 其实这两句句子结构完全一样。但是相比之下前面的句子就短、好理解的太多了。







为了节省时间,我们教学语法知识的时候往往都会采用Explicit grammar teaching, 或者有时候甚至就是直接讲解,以为老师讲了学生就能记住,但其实这种方法根本节约不了时间,而且教师想要学生能掌握好会花很多时间在操练上。而这次会上提出的Implicit grammar teaching 则主张主要通过情景让学生体验语言,通过对语言的交际性运用归纳出语法规则。显而易见,后一种方法更适合小学生的认知规律和心里特征,情景的创设更能吸引小学生的注意力,从而激起他学习的兴趣。我们大多数的老师都会认为情景创设一般只用在单词与对话的教学中,而往往忽视了在语法教学中也应当创设情景。其实创设真实有意义的情景不仅能提高学生学习的兴趣,还能比较直观地让学生体会、理解这些语法知识。首先创设情景引入语法知识,让学生在情景中体验,学习兴趣会更浓厚;然后创设情景让学生操练,能让学生更直观地理解,在理解的基础上进行操练,能让学生记忆更深刻;第三是让学生在情景中运用语法规则,这让学生知道学了就要会用,要会用在真实的语言环境中,这不仅更能让学生巩固所学的语法规则,并且锻炼了学生的语言交际运用能力。
















在我们日常的课堂教学中,教师总是喜欢采用大量机械性操练去练习语法。认为加大练习力度,学生们就能较好掌握语法规则从而达到做题不出错。其实这样降低了语法学习的趣味性,让学生们感到学习语法是十分无聊的。小学生的语法意识的培养实际上是一个潜移默化的过程。要避免学生脱离语境去记忆语法规则,应该让学生学会在语言过程中运用规则。根据小学生形象思维发达,活泼,模仿能力强的特点,教师可充分采用隐形语法教学。教师可以根据教学目标,采取适当的教学方式,如做游戏,比一比竞赛活动,TPR, Gueing game等,在较真是的语境中,让学生反复接触语法规则,理解语法规则的意义,逐步学会运用这些规则。

总的来说,小学语法教学可以大致分三个环节去开展: Step1:创设相对真实的语境让学生感知和理解语言。(meaning) Step2:结合学生的生活实际,创设与语言点相关联的情境或话题,让学生在设定的情境中反复操练和运用语言。(use))









摘要 随着教育事业的不断发展,在新时代新课改要求下全面发展学生的综合素质和培养学生的核心素养,这无疑向教育者和受教育者提高了更高的要求。高中阶段的学习是学生英语学习和培养英语综合运用能力的重要阶段。英语语法的学习对于学生英语知识体系的建立具有直接作用,学生对英语语法知识的理解程度直接关系着学生英语学习能力的提高。高中英语教学是学生英语学习的重要阶段,新课程标准对高中英语教学提出了更高的目标。语法知识的传授是英语教学的重要内容之一。本文从当代高中英语语法教学中现状出发,分析和总结了当前高中英语语法教学中存在的问题,针对问题,提出了高中英语语法教学的改进策略。

关键词 新课程标准 高中英语高中英语语法教学策略




近年来,加强英语交际功能的发挥,淡化语法教学成为英语教学的发展趋势。新高考趋势对英语语法的要求有所降低,这就使许多高中英语教师无视英语语法的存在,在实际的语法教学中,大大减少语法内容的教学比例。然而,英语语法是英语学习的重要内容,虽然其教学地位有所降低,但其对于学生英语学习的积极作用是不可磨灭的。所有的听、说、读、写的能力都是建立在学生能够听懂、看懂、会表达完整语义的基础上。新课程标准对高中英语提出这样的要求:要加强学生基础知识的巩固,扩大其基础知识面。语法是英语的基础知识内容,也是英语语言交际作用得以发挥的关键。正如交际法专家Wilkins 指出:“对一种语言语法体系的习得依然是语言学习中的一个重要环节。语法是获得语言运用创造性的手段,缺乏语法知识会严重影响交际能力。”














例如,在讲解现在完成时与现在完成进行时的区别时,教师可以在PPT上呈现两幅图片:一幅图上是一封己经写完即将寄出的信,另一幅图上是一个正奋笔疾书的小女孩。两幅图片底下分别呈现句子“Jack has written a letter. He will go to the post office to send it.”与“Lucy has been writing a letter for three hours.”从这两幅图中,学生可以一目了然的看出现在完成时表示的写信动作己经结束,而现在完成进行时表示的写信动作还没有结束,很可能仍然要继续下去。








The Value of Grammar-Translation Method in College English Teaching



With the rise of communicative approach in the 1980s, the dominant position of grammar-translation method has been challenged and questioned. In view of the current situation of English teaching in China, grammar translation still plays an irreplaceable role. So far, grammar translation method still has its reality, but in view of some shortcomings and disadvantages of grammar translation method, we need to constantly reform and innovate so as to better serve our English teaching.

[Key Word]

Grammar Translation Method; Reality; Reform ;Innovation 

I. Introduction

In the long history of foreign language teaching, grammar translation is the oldest teaching method. Vocabulary and grammar are the main contents of teaching. Since the 20th century, with the development of science and technology and the progress of linguistics, people have come to realize that language teaching is not only to impart linguistic knowledge and skills, but also to cultivate communicative competence. Language is a tool of communication. In this case, communicative teaching methods such as listening and speaking, systemic response and silence have sprung up. Grammar translation method has been questioned and criticized gradually because of its own shortcomings and drawbacks. However, communicative approach has not replaced the dominant position of grammar-translation approach in practical teaching until today. The present situation of English teaching in China provides a living space for grammar translation.

First, the necessity of English grammar teaching emphasizes the necessity of grammar teaching. Widdowson is the representative of foreign scholars. He believes that “language teaching is essentially to learn how to express meaning through grammar.” If you hold other views, they are all wrong (1990:97). Ellis (1997) pointed out that when students only accept communicative language teaching courses but not grammar knowledge points, their accuracy of using language will be greatly reduced. Cook (2000:35) argues that the question of whether grammar should be taught must be raised again, not for the last time. First language learning and second language learning are completely different. Children naturally acquire a first language without conscious first language learning, which does not mean that adult learners cannot learn a second language in such a way. Conscious explanation is also a way of teaching language. Chinese scholar Wang Zongyan (2001) pointed out that “learning English must acquire grammatical knowledge, do not understand grammatical knowledge, listen to English, read English cannot understand, speak English, write English cannot start.” Scholars who oppose grammar teaching are represented by Krashen. Krashen.(1982) believes that grammar can be acquired naturally, so grammar teaching is not necessary. College English teaching in our country has undergone reforms. In the past, most of the college English teaching aims at examinations and pays attention to grammatical basis. However, students often show dumb English, which can only do questions and cannot communicate with each other. Nowadays, College English classes focus more on the cultivation of students’ communicative competence, which weakens the basic position of grammar. If students do not have a systematic and solid grammar learning, it will greatly reduce the accuracy of oral or writing. “Requirements for College English Teaching” summarizes that the goal of College English teaching is “to cultivate students’ comprehensive English application ability, especially listening and speaking ability, so that they can communicate effectively in English in their future study and social intercourse, at the same time, to enhance their autonomous learning ability and improve their comprehensive cultural literacy so as to meet the needs of social development and international communication in China.”In order to achieve this goal, College English teaching should be based on the teaching of language grammar and pay attention to the cultivation of students’ communicative competence. Therefore, grammar learning is absolutely necessary. With a solid foundation of grammar, students’ language skills can be effectively improved.

II. The Reality of Grammar-Translation Method in College English Teaching in China

Teaching methods are carried out indoors. Teachers usually use both Chinese and English to teach in class. In view of this situation, if communicative teaching method is adopted, most students have no chance to speak English in class. When enrolling students in Colleges and universities, the students’ foundations are uneven, the “dumb English” education is deeply rooted in the hearts of most students, and the situation of “high marks and low abilities” is common. In this case, grammar translation method is used to help teachers better manage the classroom and successfully complete the teaching objectives 2. Teachers’ factors. Communicative teaching method came into being in the 1970s. Most foreign language teachers in Colleges and universities are over 30 years old and have received grammar translation method education since childhood. They lack the understanding of communicative teaching method. The communicative teaching method requires more teachers than the mother tongue. Teachers should design a large number of situations for students to practice and guide and adjust them when appropriate, which has a high demand for teachers’ own theoretical basis and oral ability. In addition, the communicative teaching method also has higher requirements on the technical equipment of schools. The communicative teaching method breaks the traditional teaching mode of “a chalk, a ruler, a textbook”. The equipment and equipment of most colleges and universities can not meet the requirements of communicative teaching method, so it is difficult to carry out communicative teaching method. In view of the current situation of teachers in Colleges and universities, grammar translation method eliminates the obstacles of communication between teachers and students. Teachers can use their mother tongue to teach smoothly, and this method can also be implemented smoothly when the equipment and technology are not advanced enough.3. The present situation of examination-oriented  education. Based on the most realistic point of view, although the College Entrance Examination, CET-46, CET-48 and Graduate Examination have undergone several reforms, the examination of language knowledge is still the central content of the test. If students want to go to school, pass the exam and take the postgraduate entrance examination, it is an insurmountable barrier to take the exam. “For ordinary colleges and universities, it is imperative to stimulate students’  learning motivation through CET-4 and impart them the necessary language knowledge, otherwise the cultivation of communicative competence will be empty talk.” In order to pass the exam smoothly and achieve good results in the exam, grammar translation method is the most direct, realistic and labor-saving method 4. Students’ own factors. English is a foreign language rather than a second language in our country. The transfer of mother tongue to foreign language always exists. Every human language has a system with its structure and rules, and grammar is the summary of language structure and rules. Chinese students generally begin to learn English when their mother tongue is mature, but the English language environment is often unsatisfactory. Chinese students have been receiving grammar translation teaching from elementary school to junior high school and then to senior high school. The traditional methods are deeply rooted, which makes the communicative approach lack a solid foundation. Grammar-translation method, with its own advantages and characteristics, is still playing an important role in today’s foreign language teaching. Based on the reality of foreign language education in Colleges and universities in China, grammar translation method has great vitality and will continue to be popular for a long time. However, things are constantly changing and developing. There are no invariable methods in foreign language teaching. Any method has its drawbacks and shortcomings. On the contrary, we should take the essence and dregs of the traditional methods and constantly reform and innovate to make them better serve our English teaching.

III. The innovative application of Grammar-Translation Method in College English teaching in China.

The traditional grammar translation method is teacher-centered, and the teacher is the organizer and decision maker of the classroom. “Teachers are encouraged and punished by compulsory teaching methods Punishment, coordination of interaction with students, and ultimately to achieve the goal of imparting knowledge and skills to students. The status of students is more passive, only as the imaginary object of teacher preparation, as well as the object of teaching in class, students adopt more adaptive and passive behavior. In the long run, it will lead to dull classroom atmosphere and low enthusiasm of students. Therefore, in teaching, we should take students as the center, respect students’ principal position, change the “cramming” teaching mode, pay attention to students’ learning needs, and cultivate students’ learning initiative and self-learning ability. Foreign languages are not only instrumental, but also humane. Traditional teaching emphasizes on the cultivation of students’ English language knowledge while ignoring the education of communicative competence and cultural awareness. In the process of foreign language teaching, teachers should pay attention to the cultivation of students’ humanistic quality, not only to enable students to master basic language knowledge, but also to cultivate students’ cross-cultural awareness, correct values, patriotism and innovation ability, so as to truly achieve the unity of instrumentality and humanism. 85 Foreign language teaching methods are flourishing, and none of them can be applied everywhere. Grammar translation helps students to form a complete grammar system, help students form solid grammar knowledge, students have a higher level of reading and translation, and teachers test teaching methods are relatively simple. However, the grammar-translation method neglects oral English teaching. Although students master grammar and vocabulary knowledge, their general grammar ability is weak. Overemphasizing teachers’ thematic status in the classroom is not conducive to the cultivation of students’ autonomy. These shortcomings of grammar-translation method can be remedied by communicative approach. If we combine the two methods, make full use of their advantages, absorb their essence and dregs, we can better serve foreign language teaching. 3. Develop students’ practical language ability, use reasonable memory correctly and oppose rote memorization. Recitation and memory play a very important role in language learning. Mr. Ye Yinsheng, a famous linguist and professor of the Chinese Department of Peking University, said in an interview with students at the University of Macau: “To learn a language, we must read, speak and recite more. I like to recite in Chinese, English or other languages, because recitation is one of the ways to help me get through. Grammar translation method pays attention to the memory of grammar rules and vocabulary and tends to go to the extreme of rote learning, which is the weakness of grammar translation law. Nevertheless, we cannot deny the importance of reciting memory in foreign language learning. Reasonable memory recitation can not only improve students’ discourse ability and language perception ability, but also improve students’ humanistic literacy and interest in learning. Therefore, at this stage, reasonable memory should still be strongly advocated.

IV. Conclusion

In a word, grammar translation still plays an important role in college foreign languages in China because of its unique advantages. However, long-term existence does not mean perfect, any method must have its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, we should absorb its essence while absorbing the advantages of other teaching methods. We should constantly reform and innovate according to the characteristics of the teaching subject, so that it can better serve our English teaching.



定位·特色·质量·发展(暂定)——钦州学院办学情况汇报(课件制作脚本)·                                 学校概况 钦州学院二〇〇六年由钦州师范高等专科学校升格,是北部湾沿海地区钦、北、防三市唯一的一所公立全日制本科院校,现在全日制在校生1万多人,专任教师  人,教师中高级职称  人,博士  人,硕士以上学历占教师总数   %。设有  个本科专业。·学校目前占地 800多亩。·学校升本以来,我们进行了多次教育思想转变的大讨论,以转变学校的教育观念,明确学校的办学定位,更好地培养为地方服务,为北部湾经济区服务的应用型人才。〔学校的校门、饭堂(北部湾餐厅)、宿舍及校园风光照〕〔教职工进行教育思想转变大讨论的照片〕一、办学定位:  经过学习、讨论、研究我们初步确定了学校的办学定位,即(“十二五”规划中关于“地方性、海洋性、国际性”的那段话)具体说来。我们这样来表达:一、二、三、七。   “ 一”:唱好一首山歌:     钦州学院姓钦州    服务地方是奔头     人才培养抓应用    校地发展双丰收 “二”:制定出台好“两个文件”(文件图片) 一个文件是关于钦州学院服务地方的若干意见二是“钦州市人民政府关于进一步支持在钦州学院的基础上创建北部湾大学若干问题的决定”。“三”:是在办学过程中努力做到“三个突出”,即“突出地方性、突出特色性、突出本科性”。 “七”是体现“七个关键词”:即:①钦州学院要努力成为广西高校服务北部湾经济区的马前卒。②钦州学院要成为钦州本土应用型人才的主产地。 ③钦州学院要成为引领钦州文化发展的领航员。④钦州学院要成为钦州各级地方政府身边的智囊团。 ⑤钦州学院要成为钦州地方各类企业、行业技术创新的小超市(或小硅谷)。⑥钦州学院要成为钦州市高端人才聚集的蓄水池(人才小高地)。⑦钦州学院要成为钦州经济发展的助推器。 二、办学特色 根据这样的办学定位,在校的办学过程中我们凸显了如下的办学特色: · 1.强化学科专业结构调整。一是制定好“十二五”规划(图片)二是重点建设优势特色专业,如:——成立海洋学院,结束了广西有海无学的历史,填补了广西乃至西南诸省没有海洋本科专业的空白(图片)——着力打造坭兴陶专业,坭兴陶实验室被定位省级重点实验室(图片)三是着力改造传统专业(生物专业突出海洋性、标本室的图片)四是主动培育战略性新兴产业相关专业,如: ——生化专业(油气储运等,图片)(海洋专业的一些图片)· 2.深化教育教学改革:一是人才培养方案体现“学以致用”。二是将行业技术发展、应用技术研究成果、实际工程案例、执业能力标准及时转化为教学内容:三是加强学生的实践环节:——学生在外实践图片 四是倡导“做中学”、推行基于问题、基于项目、基于案例的教学方法——“顶岗”实习的有关照片。——BBFO项目教学照片。·3.狠抓师资队伍建设一是拟建设教师发展中心,促进教师培训的制度化、常态化,定期对教师进行教学理念教育理论、教学方法等教学业务培训。——〔青年教师优质****的照片、青年教师培训、外出考察的照片〕二是支持教师获得校外工作或研究经历,把教师进修,到企事业单位挂职工作,纳入岗位聘任和职称晋升条件。(今年拟派三十名出去) ——青年教师在外挂职的照片三是老教师对青年教师实行导师制,“传帮带”。——下发的“导师制”文件的照片。四是加强专业带头人的引进和培养,聘请业界高素质人员担任兼职教师,努力建设双师型结构的教师队伍。——李人平大师上课的照片4.推进产学研合作教育 一是加大与企业行业合作的力度,建立长期合作发展的长效机制。——与钦州检验检疫局共建国家级实验室的照片。——与自治区海事局、海洋局合作的照片。——与力顺合作的照片等等。二是与企业、行业共建实践教学基地——有关照片,要突出港口、海洋的特点三是搞好订单式的培养——相关的照片 如与嘉华签约的照片等等 1. 三、办学质量 ·规范教学管理(领导十分重视教学,校领导亲自上照片)一是逐步完善教学管理制度(文件照片)二是加强教学管理队伍的建设——可通过表格来反应三是健全教学质量监控体质 ——相关的照片,如:领导听课、教学督导组工作的照片·大学生就业创业工作成绩突出——就业创业率不断增长的表格——各种荣誉的照片——大学生就业创业的照片(学生**报的照片)·考上研究生的图标和照片。1. 四、钦州学院发展前景 ·自治区下文在钦州学院基础上筹建北部湾大学。(照片)·钦州市人民政府对学院的支持。(有关照片)·滨海校区的规划效果图·老校区建设的照片,开工典礼的照片·教工安居工程(照片,效果图,工作指挥部的文件照片)△建设安居工程一是表现了更加关心民生,二是筑巢引凤,三是留住人才。   


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