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作者:2022-03-19 10:13:000




























Fresh English 新鲜美语是我们英语日常用语专题部分。在英语课堂上,老师们为学生们模拟各种各样生活中的真实场景,以生动活泼的方式来呈现学生们感兴趣的单元主体,组织学 生们在情景中不断地反复地操练新知,达到学以致用的学习效果。


Happy Melody 和 Motion Chant是我们课本里的英语歌曲和小诗歌。英语教学蕴含在 “说,唱”英语中。以韵律式的“说,唱”形式,配合科学编排的韵律动作,全方位地调动视觉、听觉、言语能力和肢体动作,让孩子真正“懂得”英语,真正“脱口而出”纯正的英语,真 正“学”会英语。国际私塾幼,少儿的学生用书中的英文歌曲和儿歌是一套真正为孩子设计的“看了就想学,一学就能跳”的英语韵律操。它充分考虑到孩子的动作特点,有机地与英语发音和节奏配合起来,易学易跳,协调的动作使孩子深深的感受到英语的优美和学英语的乐趣。


Funny phonics是一套根据英文字母本身的音源,总结出的一套,学生不学就能“看单词能读,听单词能写”的英语词汇教学方法。国际私塾用最简单、最实用、最直接的字母以及字母组合的基本发音,让学生们能很快地掌握陌生单词的认读技巧,并能迅速记忆单词和朗读文章。我们还给每一个音素配上了形象生动,简单易记的小手势,帮助学生们正确发音。


Magic Structure是重点巨型扩充练习,但是它根据每个知识点之间的内在联系,充分调动学生的联想能力,通过引申、扩展、推理、想象等方式,引导学生用正确高效的方式来完成大脑中知识网络的建立,达到迅速把新知从短时记忆转化为永久记忆。


如果我们把英语学习的基础建筑在学生自己的经历和兴趣之上,学习效果就会更好。教材中的Story DIY 的环节,就是调动学生回忆自己的生活经历和兴趣爱好,然后编成故事说出来,写下来。语言经验教学法可以帮助学生在一个很自然的过程中由口头语言进步到书面语言。


6、The Dead Sea is aliveFOR a long time we have believed that there’s no life in the Dead Sea (死海). But it looks like we were wrong.The Dead Sea lies on the border (边界) of Jordan (约旦), Israel (以色列) and the West Bank. There is much more salt in it than in other seas. So people thought it was impossible for things to live in it. Too much salt also makes people float (漂浮) better. For this reason, many tourists visit the Dead Sea every year.A diving team has found 30 giant craters (火山口) under the Dead Sea. The craters spew (喷出) fresh water. There are many tiny living things around them.Team member Danny Ionescu told National Geographic News that the craters were a “fantastic place for life”.             7、Internet measures up HOW long does it take us to download (下载) a 500m (megabytes, 兆字节,计算机中的一种储存单位) movie from the Internet? In China, it usually takes half an hour. But in South Korea, it only takes four minutes.According to a global Internet speed study released (发布) by the US company Pando Networks, South Korea offers the world’s highest download speed, 2,202kbps (kilobytes per second,千字节每秒, 网络速度单位。1m等于1,024kb). Romania (罗马尼亚) and Bulgaria (保加利亚) come in second and third on the list.The US showed up in the middle of the list and China is 80th. The slowest country, according to the study, was the Congo (刚果).               8、What’s that in the sky?MANY people recently reported seeing a UFO in China.At 9 pm on August 20, the pilot of aircraft CZ6554 was flying above Shanghai. Suddenly, he saw a huge light in the sky. “It was round and kept getting bigger. It looked hundreds of times bigger than the moon,” he said of the sighting (景象).At almost the same time, Chen Xu of Beijing saw a halo (光环) in the sky. He published a photo of the halo on his micro blog (微博). Chen said the halo was small at first, then became larger, moved north, and disappeared several minutes later.The experts at the Beijing UFO research organization held a meeting to discuss the UFO sighting. In their opinion, the halos are man-made. The military likely sent a missile (导弹) into the sky. When its remains (残骸) fell, people saw “halos”.                9、Dolphins are a lot like usONE of the biggest differences between humans and other animals is humans’ use of tools (工具). But scientists found that some dolphins use tools, too.According to researchers from Murdoch University, a group of dolphins in Australia made a new tool to catch fish. They hold a large conch shell (海螺壳) in their beaks (嘴) and use it to shake fish into their mouths.Researchers first saw dolphins shaking conch shells at the surface (表面) of the ocean in 2007. At that time, they thought it was just a game or males giving gifts to females.Researchers took photos and studied them carefully. They finally found that this is a new fish-catching  trick  made  by  a  clever  group  of  dolphins.   10、Mini Noah’s ArkIN the movie 2012, a huge ark (方舟) saved people from a destroyed world. Now, a Japanese company has developed a “mini Noah’s Ark” to help people in earthquakes and tsunamis (海啸).The yellow capsule (舱) looks like a huge tennis ball rather than a ship. It’s made of strong fiberglass (玻璃纤维). Company president and creator of the capsule, Shoji Tanaka, says it can hold four adults. And it has passed many crash (撞击) tests. It has a small lookout window and breathing holes on top. It can also be used as a children’s toy.More than 27,000 Japanese people died or went missing in the big earthquake in March this year, according to xinhuanet.com. The Japanese company hopes the capsule can help people if the country gets hit by another powerful earthquake and tsunami.





XXX保险股份有限公司隶属于XXX集团。集团公司早在1996年成立之初,就坚持走“集约化管理、专业化经营、差异化竞争,质量效益型发展”的道路,稳健经营,不懈探索。并以“让人们的生活品质不被风险所改变”为使命,致力于“以客户为中心,成为一家出色的、提供优质专业风险保障和财富管理的金融保险集团”。 目前,旗下的XXXX保险有限公司、XXXXX股份有限公司、XXX资产管理有限公司、XXXXX基金管理有限公司等全资或控股子公司都已成为业内具有较大影响力的优秀企业。





1、Fast running robotsPEOPLE aren’t the only ones that can run on two legs – robots can, too! Mabel the robot runs just like a human, only much faster.Scientists in the US built Mabel – she can run at a speed of 10.9 kilometers per hour. She even set a Guinness (吉尼斯) world record for the fastest robot running on two legs.Mabel was born in 2009. It took scientists three years to get her up and running. Her legs are light and springy (有弹力的). When she is running, Mabel is much like a human.Robots like Mabel will soon be able to do dangerous work, like looking for people inside a burning (着火的) house. According to one of the scientists who worked on Mabel, Jonathan Hurst, the research they did to make a running robot may help people in other ways, too. “People in wheelchairs (轮椅) may be able to walk again,” said Hurst.              2、The nose knows cancerDOGS don’t just find drugs (毒品) with their noses, but lung cancer (肺癌), too.The American magazine Popular Science reported that a dog could tell if a patient has lung cancer by smelling his or her breath (呼吸).Researchers in Germany trained dogs and asked them to smell 220 people. The group had healthy people, lung cancer patients and people who have another lung disease (疾病). The dogs picked out patients with lung cancer.However, scientists do not know what exactly the dogs are smelling. They are working hard to explain it. Scientists hope to use this information to make “electronic (电子的) noses” to use in hospitals.                 3、Look into the news“MIRROR (镜子) mirror on the wall, what’s happening in Libya right now?”Now with this new mirror from the New York Times, you can brush your teeth while reading the latest news and watching videos in your bathroom.The mirror works with some very new software (软件). You can use it to get the news, schedule events on your personal calendar (日程表) and leave messages for family members.There’s another kind of new mirror, too. It can read the signals (信号) of the person standing in front of it. According to what the user is wearing, it gives fashion tips and suggestions on his or her clothes.Going shopping or eating out? Don’t go in a hurry! The magic mirror offers (提供) you coupons (优惠券), too.            4、Clever robot chats it upWHO are you talking to on the Internet? It may not be a human!A British software developer (软件开发者), Rollo Carpenter, made a piece of software called Cleverbot. It can fool people into thinking that they are talking to a human being, not a machine.At a computer festival in India, 30 people talked with an online chatter (聊天者) for four minutes. The chatter could either be a Cleverbot or a real person behind a screen. People watched what the chatters wrote on a big screen and voted (投票). Cleverbot succeed in fooling more than half of the 30 people into thinking that it was human.Let’s see some questions that Cleverbot answered. Will you be fooled?             5、World’s tiniest cameraA CAMERA helps record beautiful places while traveling. It also makes luggage (行李) heavier. Now the world’s smallest camera will save you from this worry.American company Hammacher Schlemmer made this camera. It’s no larger than a fingertip (指尖) and it’s only 28g. But it takes pictures and videos just like normal cameras.There is a very small SD card inside the camera for saving pictures and videos. You can connect (连接) your camera to a computer for showing pictures and video to family and friends.The camera’s battery (电池) keeps it working for 30 minutes. It needs one hour to get fully recharged (再充电).


WORK REPORT ON THE SOFTWARE PROJECT 软件项目工作报告英语翻译  From:Dongqiang Huang, Head of Software Department  To:Boss   Ref:000001   Date:September 1, 2011 The software project I am responsible for currently is the office automation project. The detail is as follow:1. We have already completed the requirement investigation analysis and summary design, with detail design under way. 2. Each work goes with a swing. We estimate to complete the detail design on the 15th of this month. And then we can carry on software coding. 3. This project’s  time is very tight, Everyone is working overtime with all strength. We can finish our work on time. Dongqiang Huang


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