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作者:2022-06-12 10:09:500





Eg.炖肉:Stewed Pork 炸排骨:Deep一fried Spareribs

红烧鲤鱼:BraisedCarp withBrown Sauce

香菇蒸鸡:Steamed Chicken with Mushroom

蟹粉鱼唇:Shark’s Lip with Crabmeat



1. 以地名命名的:


Eg. 广东香肠:Guangdong Sausage

南京板鸭:Steamed Nanjing Duck

潮洲烧雁鹅:Chaozhou Roast Goose

北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck

新疆羊肉串:Xinjiang Mutton String

2. 以历史典故命名的:


Eg. 东坡肉:Dongpo Braised Pork

狗不理包子:Goubuli Stuffed Bun

麻婆豆腐:Ma Po Spicy Tofu


Eg.佛跳墙:Fotiaoqiang一The Buddha Jumped the Wall for Luring by Its Smell( Assorted meat and vegeta-tiles cooked in ember)

宫保鸡丁:Gong Bao Diced Chicken(diced chicken with chili and peanuts in hot sauce,invented by Gong Bao in the Qing Dynasty)

大救驾:Dajiujia—A Kernel Pastry Snack of Shouxian ( A town),that once came to the rescue of an Emperor(传说赵匡胤围困寿县九个月才得以占领,进城后劳累过度致病。厨师以猪油、面粉、果仁等精制一圆饼进呈,赵食后不久即康复。赵匡胤当皇帝后,赐该点心名“大救驾”。)


Eg.饺子:Jiaozi 豆腐:Doufu

粽子:Zongzi 烧麦:Shaomai


Eg.青龙过海:Vegetable Soup

凤凰玉米羹: Phoenix ( egg ) Corn Thick Soup

西湖牛肉羹: West Lake ( egg)Beef Soup

鸳鸯菜汤:Water-shield with Floating Mandarin Duck

白雪映红梅(蒸虾蟹肉饼,面上点缀着蟹卵):Steamed Patties of

Crabmeat and Minced Shrimpwith Crab Roe on Top;

翡翠虾仁:Stir一fried Shrimps with Peas

(“凤凰”、“西湖”---鸡蛋;“翡翠”--- 青菜; “芙蓉”--- 蛋白)



 英语翻译求职简历一:姓  名:区先生国籍:中国目前所在地:广州民族:汉族户口所在地:广州身材:180 cm 75 kg婚姻状况:未婚年龄:22 岁培训认证:诚信徽章: 求职意向及工作经历人才类型:应届毕业生 应聘职位:外语类:德、英语翻译均可、经营/管理类:业务、外贸/贸易专员/助理:文员工作年限:0职称:无职称求职类型:全职可到职日期:随时月薪要求:2000--3500希望工作地区:广州 珠海 深圳个人工作经历:公司名称:大型记录片“德中同行”摄制组起止年月:2008-11 ~ 2008-12公司性质:所属行业:粮油,食品担任职务:德语翻译工作描述:与摄制组到广州的主要景点、选中的公司、家庭、人物等进行采访,负责口语翻译,顺利完成任务,受到好评。离职原因:公司名称:某专业资格考试中心起止年月:2005-07 ~ 2005-08公司性质:其它所属行业:其他担任职务:证书部工作描述:2005年7月在某资格考试中心证书部打暑期工,学会相关资格证书的制证,发证工作环节,懂得做好工作的每一个细节的重要性,不能有任何的差错.离职原因:暑期工 教育背景毕业院校:广东外语外贸大学最高学历:本科获得学位: 文学学士/经济学学士毕业日期:2010-07-01所学专业一:德语所学专业二:国际经济与贸易受教育培训经历:起始年月终止年月学校(机构)专 业获得证书证书编号2006-092010-07广东外语外贸大学德语/国际经济与贸易本科2009-072009-08德国海德堡大学德语取得优良成绩及相关证书,语言更熟练,视野更开阔 语言能力外语:西班牙语 良好其它外语能力:英语六级国语水平:精通粤语水平:精通 工作能力及其他专长1、工作热情,积极肯干,受老师和同学们爱戴。曾任学院志愿者协会外联部干事、秘书部部长,大学公共关系协会任策划部干事。先后担任班学习委员,心理委员,现任班长,并获得“优秀班干部”,“优秀团员”的殊荣。






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2010-7 至 2010-8任职英语翻译薪资2000-3000元/月



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 英语翻译求职简历三:(女,21岁)求 职 位:英语翻译期望薪资:3000-5000元/月目前职位:未填写学 历:本科工作经验:无经验现居住地:厦门联系电话:电子邮箱:




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The Value of Grammar-Translation Method in College English Teaching



With the rise of communicative approach in the 1980s, the dominant position of grammar-translation method has been challenged and questioned. In view of the current situation of English teaching in China, grammar translation still plays an irreplaceable role. So far, grammar translation method still has its reality, but in view of some shortcomings and disadvantages of grammar translation method, we need to constantly reform and innovate so as to better serve our English teaching.

[Key Word]

Grammar Translation Method; Reality; Reform ;Innovation 

I. Introduction

In the long history of foreign language teaching, grammar translation is the oldest teaching method. Vocabulary and grammar are the main contents of teaching. Since the 20th century, with the development of science and technology and the progress of linguistics, people have come to realize that language teaching is not only to impart linguistic knowledge and skills, but also to cultivate communicative competence. Language is a tool of communication. In this case, communicative teaching methods such as listening and speaking, systemic response and silence have sprung up. Grammar translation method has been questioned and criticized gradually because of its own shortcomings and drawbacks. However, communicative approach has not replaced the dominant position of grammar-translation approach in practical teaching until today. The present situation of English teaching in China provides a living space for grammar translation.

First, the necessity of English grammar teaching emphasizes the necessity of grammar teaching. Widdowson is the representative of foreign scholars. He believes that “language teaching is essentially to learn how to express meaning through grammar.” If you hold other views, they are all wrong (1990:97). Ellis (1997) pointed out that when students only accept communicative language teaching courses but not grammar knowledge points, their accuracy of using language will be greatly reduced. Cook (2000:35) argues that the question of whether grammar should be taught must be raised again, not for the last time. First language learning and second language learning are completely different. Children naturally acquire a first language without conscious first language learning, which does not mean that adult learners cannot learn a second language in such a way. Conscious explanation is also a way of teaching language. Chinese scholar Wang Zongyan (2001) pointed out that “learning English must acquire grammatical knowledge, do not understand grammatical knowledge, listen to English, read English cannot understand, speak English, write English cannot start.” Scholars who oppose grammar teaching are represented by Krashen. Krashen.(1982) believes that grammar can be acquired naturally, so grammar teaching is not necessary. College English teaching in our country has undergone reforms. In the past, most of the college English teaching aims at examinations and pays attention to grammatical basis. However, students often show dumb English, which can only do questions and cannot communicate with each other. Nowadays, College English classes focus more on the cultivation of students’ communicative competence, which weakens the basic position of grammar. If students do not have a systematic and solid grammar learning, it will greatly reduce the accuracy of oral or writing. “Requirements for College English Teaching” summarizes that the goal of College English teaching is “to cultivate students’ comprehensive English application ability, especially listening and speaking ability, so that they can communicate effectively in English in their future study and social intercourse, at the same time, to enhance their autonomous learning ability and improve their comprehensive cultural literacy so as to meet the needs of social development and international communication in China.”In order to achieve this goal, College English teaching should be based on the teaching of language grammar and pay attention to the cultivation of students’ communicative competence. Therefore, grammar learning is absolutely necessary. With a solid foundation of grammar, students’ language skills can be effectively improved.

II. The Reality of Grammar-Translation Method in College English Teaching in China

Teaching methods are carried out indoors. Teachers usually use both Chinese and English to teach in class. In view of this situation, if communicative teaching method is adopted, most students have no chance to speak English in class. When enrolling students in Colleges and universities, the students’ foundations are uneven, the “dumb English” education is deeply rooted in the hearts of most students, and the situation of “high marks and low abilities” is common. In this case, grammar translation method is used to help teachers better manage the classroom and successfully complete the teaching objectives 2. Teachers’ factors. Communicative teaching method came into being in the 1970s. Most foreign language teachers in Colleges and universities are over 30 years old and have received grammar translation method education since childhood. They lack the understanding of communicative teaching method. The communicative teaching method requires more teachers than the mother tongue. Teachers should design a large number of situations for students to practice and guide and adjust them when appropriate, which has a high demand for teachers’ own theoretical basis and oral ability. In addition, the communicative teaching method also has higher requirements on the technical equipment of schools. The communicative teaching method breaks the traditional teaching mode of “a chalk, a ruler, a textbook”. The equipment and equipment of most colleges and universities can not meet the requirements of communicative teaching method, so it is difficult to carry out communicative teaching method. In view of the current situation of teachers in Colleges and universities, grammar translation method eliminates the obstacles of communication between teachers and students. Teachers can use their mother tongue to teach smoothly, and this method can also be implemented smoothly when the equipment and technology are not advanced enough.3. The present situation of examination-oriented  education. Based on the most realistic point of view, although the College Entrance Examination, CET-46, CET-48 and Graduate Examination have undergone several reforms, the examination of language knowledge is still the central content of the test. If students want to go to school, pass the exam and take the postgraduate entrance examination, it is an insurmountable barrier to take the exam. “For ordinary colleges and universities, it is imperative to stimulate students’  learning motivation through CET-4 and impart them the necessary language knowledge, otherwise the cultivation of communicative competence will be empty talk.” In order to pass the exam smoothly and achieve good results in the exam, grammar translation method is the most direct, realistic and labor-saving method 4. Students’ own factors. English is a foreign language rather than a second language in our country. The transfer of mother tongue to foreign language always exists. Every human language has a system with its structure and rules, and grammar is the summary of language structure and rules. Chinese students generally begin to learn English when their mother tongue is mature, but the English language environment is often unsatisfactory. Chinese students have been receiving grammar translation teaching from elementary school to junior high school and then to senior high school. The traditional methods are deeply rooted, which makes the communicative approach lack a solid foundation. Grammar-translation method, with its own advantages and characteristics, is still playing an important role in today’s foreign language teaching. Based on the reality of foreign language education in Colleges and universities in China, grammar translation method has great vitality and will continue to be popular for a long time. However, things are constantly changing and developing. There are no invariable methods in foreign language teaching. Any method has its drawbacks and shortcomings. On the contrary, we should take the essence and dregs of the traditional methods and constantly reform and innovate to make them better serve our English teaching.

III. The innovative application of Grammar-Translation Method in College English teaching in China.

The traditional grammar translation method is teacher-centered, and the teacher is the organizer and decision maker of the classroom. “Teachers are encouraged and punished by compulsory teaching methods Punishment, coordination of interaction with students, and ultimately to achieve the goal of imparting knowledge and skills to students. The status of students is more passive, only as the imaginary object of teacher preparation, as well as the object of teaching in class, students adopt more adaptive and passive behavior. In the long run, it will lead to dull classroom atmosphere and low enthusiasm of students. Therefore, in teaching, we should take students as the center, respect students’ principal position, change the “cramming” teaching mode, pay attention to students’ learning needs, and cultivate students’ learning initiative and self-learning ability. Foreign languages are not only instrumental, but also humane. Traditional teaching emphasizes on the cultivation of students’ English language knowledge while ignoring the education of communicative competence and cultural awareness. In the process of foreign language teaching, teachers should pay attention to the cultivation of students’ humanistic quality, not only to enable students to master basic language knowledge, but also to cultivate students’ cross-cultural awareness, correct values, patriotism and innovation ability, so as to truly achieve the unity of instrumentality and humanism. 85 Foreign language teaching methods are flourishing, and none of them can be applied everywhere. Grammar translation helps students to form a complete grammar system, help students form solid grammar knowledge, students have a higher level of reading and translation, and teachers test teaching methods are relatively simple. However, the grammar-translation method neglects oral English teaching. Although students master grammar and vocabulary knowledge, their general grammar ability is weak. Overemphasizing teachers’ thematic status in the classroom is not conducive to the cultivation of students’ autonomy. These shortcomings of grammar-translation method can be remedied by communicative approach. If we combine the two methods, make full use of their advantages, absorb their essence and dregs, we can better serve foreign language teaching. 3. Develop students’ practical language ability, use reasonable memory correctly and oppose rote memorization. Recitation and memory play a very important role in language learning. Mr. Ye Yinsheng, a famous linguist and professor of the Chinese Department of Peking University, said in an interview with students at the University of Macau: “To learn a language, we must read, speak and recite more. I like to recite in Chinese, English or other languages, because recitation is one of the ways to help me get through. Grammar translation method pays attention to the memory of grammar rules and vocabulary and tends to go to the extreme of rote learning, which is the weakness of grammar translation law. Nevertheless, we cannot deny the importance of reciting memory in foreign language learning. Reasonable memory recitation can not only improve students’ discourse ability and language perception ability, but also improve students’ humanistic literacy and interest in learning. Therefore, at this stage, reasonable memory should still be strongly advocated.

IV. Conclusion

In a word, grammar translation still plays an important role in college foreign languages in China because of its unique advantages. However, long-term existence does not mean perfect, any method must have its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, we should absorb its essence while absorbing the advantages of other teaching methods. We should constantly reform and innovate according to the characteristics of the teaching subject, so that it can better serve our English teaching.





沙特北方项目目前由15人组成的专家技术服务团队,为业主提供设备维护服务。多年来,在大家的共同努力下,凭借良好的服务和出色的技术实力,现场智慧工业团队获得了业主管理人员的一致认可和称赞。我作为一名英语翻译,担负现场的口笔译工作,平时定期参加业主维修例会,及时完成巡检报告、检修计划的翻译,和业主各部门人员保持良好的人际关系,确保现场工作的顺利开展。这一年里,个人能力和素质获得了进一步锻炼和提高,也更加深刻意识到学习对一个人成长的重要性。只有坚持学习,不断充实自己的头脑,开拓自己的眼界,个人的未来才有无限可能。因此,平时工作之余,重视通过学习自我提升,注意涉猎各方面的知识, 不断丰富自己的知识结构。










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