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泉州开元寺导游词 第12篇



泉州开元寺导游词 第13篇

女士们、先生们,大家好!我们现在已经到了福建省内的寺庙——泉州开元寺。开元寺占地面积78000 平方米。它规模宏大,构筑壮观,景色优美,曾与洛阳白马寺、杭州灵隐寺、北京广济寺齐名。开元寺初名“莲花寺“,后改为“兴教寺”、“龙兴寺”。唐开元二十六年(公元739年)唐玄宗下令全国各州建一座开元寺,遂改现名。





泉州开元寺导游词 第14篇

Ladies and gentlemen, everybody is good! We have now - the largest temple in fujian province quanzhou, , fujiang covers an area of 78000 square Its large scale, building up, spectacular scenery, has worked with luoyang white horse temple, hangzhou lingyin temple, Beijing guang temple After early, fujiang "lotus temple", to "xingjiao temple", "bodhisattva sculpture". So tang kai-yuan tang twenty-six years (AD 739) building a, fujiang, ordered the nation to

People often say "monk accounted for more than the ancient mountains", is actually wronged Monks of stealth on mountains, was meant to mind, often become a venerable monk, hence mountain monk, as And quanzhou, fujiang is located in the plain carp city west street, cut off from all the backer door that only a symbolic barrier ziyun screen, this virtually shortened the distance between earth and Lack of famous mountains and great rivers of the foil, but more close to the temple, this is the unique characteristic of quanzhou,

Of quanzhou, fujiang is national key cultural relics protection units, as well as in fujian "top ten" scenic spot, you may want to know, why, fujiang can is famous at home and abroad? Let us together to appreciate and savor

This unique architecture is, fujiang entrance, also called the great It was built in the tang wu zetian drop arch three years (AD 687), have been a few times before and after the fire burned and reconstruction, the existing building is fourteen years (1925 AD) of the republic of You first look at the stone pillars: upper and lower end slightly thin, thicker, shuttle shaped, central scientific name prism, according to research for the pillars of tang dynasty style, s are now very Columns still hanging on a wooden couplet "there are whole streets of buddhist, this place called saint". This is the southern song dynasty written by zhu xi in the Dali, written by master hong yi, a It is the strong religious culture of the ancient city of quanzhou Points sitting on both sides of the great hall is according to the buddhist tantric regulation the configured mark king kong and They got hold out a bosom, very dignified, and general temple sculpture by the four big king kong has bigger difference, someone calls them as "hum and haw to 2".

Across the entrance to worship the Standing here, we can see the things were built towers and capacious and bright two corridors symmetrically arranged on both sides, and where we are on the central axis, Buddhism was introduced into our country already has more than one thousand years history, and the ground in China, together with the Chinese , fujiang layout is highlighted China's ancient architecture for south and central axis is given priority to the characteristics of the

Bynum walked up the stone, is a "every grass not born" worship of the court, for the ancient and modern officer people worship and On the 26th, here people mountain people sea, chanting of prayers, and a spring south buddhist On both sides of the rock garden respectively with eight between 200 and 800 - year - old big banyan tree, blotting out the sun falls, intertwined, and added, fujiang a quiet, solemn Under the tree lined with tang, song and Ming dynasties there are 11 different forms of ancient by building, little stupas, and two The family also buy stood a stone set 3 meters high, furnace cover button crouching lion, furnace body weeks carved trail of dragon, xiangyun, lotus-shaped, creeping weed, such as grain, beautiful shape, carver Burn silks furnace later two side, there are two of the southern song dynasty shaoxing fifteen years (AD 1145) quanzhou compartments of liu SAN niang endowed south India extraction wave wall square stone tower, tower with Mr Prince hammer throw feeding tiger's story, is a Hindu left the mark during the southern song

On the central axis of the main body construction, that is, in the sight of the Ursa Because have ziyun to build the house of the legend, so also called ziyun The JuBian above the hall is a "SangLian dharmadhatu" four wei rubbings style tycoon, to open the white lotus of swan As early as in the early tang dynasty, quanzhou has is rich in This piece of land was a rich man Huang Shougong sycamore-fig trees in the garden, then go to quantico protection of adding the About this matter, there is a very touching legend: one day, Huang Shougong dreamed there was a monk to raise his land, adding he said after the mulberry trees, such as the white lotus flower is offered to become attached A few days later, garden mulberry was issued a white lotus flower, Huang Shougong deeply moved by boundless dharma, indeed as expected the mulberry garden to Actually, Huang Shougong is of good samaritans, mulberry said is people admire the Buddha of the white lotus, lines, but a magical legend of quanzhou people relish, passed from generation to generation, and therefore, fujiang has the laudatory title of "SangLian

Ursa major was built in the tang dynasty drop arch two years (AD 686), has a few times after tang and song dynasty, yuan, Ming affected and reconstruction, the existing building is ten years chongzhen in Ming dynasty (AD 1637). Lao hall 20 meters, the surface between nine wide, deep six, an area of square meters, the hall of arch, 'appearance, save Tang Chaohong extravaganza, towering spectacular architectural

The center of the hall of worship is the royal gives the figure which he covered the Buddha, Chinese big Buddha, is the supreme god in tantric On its both sides is the king of the five dynasties Gui repair of plasticizing four Buddha hall, followed by Oriental world 閦 o Buddha, happy world is a treasure to living Buddha, south western elysium amitabha, northern lotus world achievement Buddha, called the five Buddha, also known as the five Of the five Buddha glistening gold, YiWen clear, god let kindly, face solemn, hands were saying, give, lead, such as meditation, craft is exquisite, is Five fang Buddha threat shi have manjusri, samantabhadra, difficult, kasyapa and guanyin, the potential to, wei tuo, guan yu, the king of the Vatican, indra the Buddha's lock will be a total of 10 and protective In the center of the hall after the honours tantric six guanyin's first holy goddess of mercy and good, dragon lady and two wings 18 arhats in different The abbot, fujiang dynasties used different cases: there is method, ritsu, pure, tantra, zen sect, but the hall to keep to the rules of this rare, this already to boast about, and it is worthy of

Ursa major and a "best column temple" Full house originally planned to set up one hundred posts, and later because of the need to place of Buddha and make to the buddhist pilgrimage, and lengthen the plover beam, reduced the pillar, become 86 pillars of "hundreds of column temple". Chongzhen ten years (AD 1637) right in politics, provincial judges had sakura and company commanders ikkan rebuilt, fujiang ziyun temple, all of them a timber into Pillars of the temple of the column form rich and colorful, song, yuan, Ming each period of Chinese flowering crabapple ornamental column, cylindrical, square Stare blankly prism, PanLongZhu, Especially between stay behind when the 16 Angle of fai green rock column, carved with ancient India and Ceylon spread the story of the ancient Hindu god Krishna and 24 painting flowers design, caused the great interest of scholars all over the It has to do with the platform before the house 须弥座 waist place 72 diabase sphinx and lion relief, with to repair the temple from the main printed yuan dynasty temple has been They are quanzhou overseas transportation prosperous during the song and yuan period, Chinese and foreign culture, the history of friendly

Pillars in front of the five Buddha and plover beam joint, has two rows of violent 24 magnificent, colorful and plump, grain, having wings stretch, Sanskrit "frequency ng" (that is, the better the sound the birds). According to buddhist scriptures: the bird voice subtle, elegant, renga the ROM is not as good as her They are a waiter, and craftsmen to their lower body embedded column tenon, wing claw foot exposed under threat, upper body forward, chin, jacket half exposed, sakura ring shank embryo, stretching his arms, on the bracelet, hand stick four treasures, melon and fruit snacks, music orchestra, engaging They not only enjoy with beautiful art to the person, but to replace stone, relying on massive plover beam, to reduce its large span, very cleverly fused religion, art and architecture, is really

The back of the temple of the west, the column is said to be a white lotus flower one thousand old mulberry, namely "SangPeng sites". See it like doddering, it is believed that it has more than one thousand - year - old, whether its a white lotus flower are mostly not to However, under the old mulberry, made a piece of ancient monuments, that seems it In 1925 during a thunderstorm, old mulberry was killed by a bolt of lightning split into three, one of the technology to fall on the ground, so the monks will lift it with a piece of granite, and engrave a couplet "the opposite lotus drop arch for two years, make not bad" to all the day, old mulberry was miraculously survived, and flourishing, and A few years ago, the wind the tree from the bracket on the stone floor, people such as prop up again at the end of it has Each other today, "three tree" old mulberry is like a blooming flower, toward the north, east, south three direction spread, all the year round, lush

The dew precept platform behind the temple, built in the second on the steps of the central It is said that the tang dynasty, this place is often dew, a line called zhao monk then dig a mouthful of mannose well Three years (AD 1019) north to tianjin in inoue built altar, hence called mannose precept The southern song dynasty built phlogistic two years (AD 1108), 炤 monk thought precept platform is not in conformity with the specification, and according to the figure of nanshan, converted into a category 5, width have strict limits in the high and After the yuan, Ming rebuilt many times, the existing building is the qing emperor kangxi five years (AD 1666) reconstruction of four double-hipped roof octagonal pavilion Places the center of the top design USES the best stone, overlapping taking, such as spider netting, like back fabric kam, the structure of the complex and Around the altar of the pillar stone and spread between 24 honour "flying the ci-poetry", is colorful ribbon body, holding a lute, necks, hole shaw, castanet, alike, and if you They like best column frequency of the temple, is the treasure of architectural art, is also the na Yin and yuan dynasties very valuable image

Sunk panel under The altar table top honors in the Ming dynasty carved Lou shed that Buddha cave, its sitting lotus pedestal a chiba lotus petals, each piece of lotus leaf carve a statue of Buddha, 6 cm in size is very Lou shed stood around the layers and king kong hook, king kong, vajra bell, king kong lock bodhisattva, and Buddha, amitabha, hanshan, picked up, of guanyin's and wei tuo days 24 statue of Buddha Especially in the eight statue of king kong is the They got from loving, barefoot topless, appear very Around the altar at waist with protection of three converted, five precepts of god ace Precept platform is a buddhist and abiding place, this kind of mysterious and solemn atmosphere, is to make people fear, the read out, hoping to It is said that this precept platform has annals in the whole As the saying goes content with rare for expensive, everybody also calculate a

Precept platform, is a "treasure floor," said the sutra Is dharma, here is the yuan dynasty to yuan twenty-two years (AD 1285), the monk record the southwest built Yuan and Ming dynasties has been rebuilt many times, to 14 years of the republic of China (AD 1925) YuanYing monks rebuilt to cement a castle in the structure of the second Downstairs now for monks to chant buddhist scripture in the course, the upper collection of volume 3700 version of the Five generation of fujian Wang Wang umpire in the throne, dominating the min jiang, is purely chance accident, so he became a fujian queen, with Buddha statue, a big confidence, make great vows, converted by the heart, in order to psychological He give up millions of money Min built the temple and other structures, and collected twelve thousand gold and silver, porphyrization for mud, please, fujiang YiYing mage written two gold and silver "Tibetan tripitaka", now also preserve a residual page on the second In addition to the yuan dynasty such as written according to the mage thorn blood method sutra of pattra-leaf scriptures and They are our precious buddhist In addition, also save the sutra depository dynasties relics from tang dynasty to the republic of Including the generation of the size of the jade, bronze, porcelain, wooden Buddha, bodhisattva, rohan, king, god will be In the Ming dynasty calligrapher Zhang Ruitu and modern master hong yi, a famous couplet handwriting and planks are also treasure On the first floor hall also contains 12 Fang Zhong since the southern song dynasty, which is particularly valuable qing daoguang seventeen years (AD 1837), "public place" on the outskirts of iron bell, bell there cast and quanzhou trade port of deer on the rural 46 firms inscriptions, is the study of Taiwan and the valuable information of quanzhou economic

On either side of the central axis, and some buildings: the east by blue temple rebuilt TanYue shrine, mark benefactor Huang Four Ann huang (at Southampton, HuiAn, deep, anxi) seed and overseas ziyun family is proud of Have commonly known as "small, fujiang" quasi monasteries, original worship must mention the bodhisattva of tiantai sect; The statue on the west - and has now set up part is master hong yi, a memorial, land and sea temple, with habitat for

Stood on either side worship court square, about 200 meters away from the star anise five floors in the tower structure is stone tower in quanzhou things, it is one of the important cultural relics, It with its majestic, wonderful shape, exquisite architectural viewing and chase and Yang yuxing haiyu, attracted the numerous Chinese and foreign scholars since song dynasty and, much more tourists to come and visit, ponder and

The east tower of the "town of tower", salty through six years (AD 865) from the paper tower built Cheng Jackson five After several times destroyed and rebuilt, before and after Yi Mu for To jia xian two years (AD 1238) the mage hong just easy brick for stone, by forging the mage, after days of tin mage after made, before and after the ten years to Lao east tower meters, tower plane corridor corridor, the outer wall, tower and tower eight Angle of four The structure of the tower for the frame Column straight penetration in each layer is the core, is the support of the whole Each layer on the tower column of eight corner all have Shi Liang, even in 2 metres of tower wall and lean on column, arch layers of clean needle guard fights out of China, narrow Shi Liang Shi Liang and beam as a chisel, mortise joint, the core and the stress of the tower wall at the link together to form an organic whole, greatly enhance the robustness of the Tower wall using processing carved granite to interlace method stack of build by laying bricks or stones, calculation precision, work Solid foundation, configure the comply with the principle of mechanics, solid core makes the weighing more than ten thousand tons of building has undergone more than 700 years wind and frost and dew and stand 8 earthquake in 1604 AD, cannot shake to move the foundation of Stone not only firm, and delicate Tower eaves spread outward curved arc shaped, eaves Angle high up, make the tower a volley, fluttered about appears Each layer of four door and four recess, swap one by So gravity is distributed evenly, and can make more vivid and beautiful appearance of the Each layer of copper tower eaves Angle of each department one, when the breeze blowing, 1 ding-dong sound, sweet happy The tower has eight big chains, eight links with brake, newborn appear great momentums, ZiQi Each layer tower walls engraved with 16 relief, also engraved with people by respectively, you know shravakayana, edge by, bodhisattva and Buddha by, a total of 80 signs yi as raw Knife delicate, smooth lines, wonderful artical excelling East tower was in 1997 for the four most famous tower stamps, can be called: the king of the stone

West tower Five generations Liang Zhenming three years (AD 917), king whose known by shipping wood to build the tower of quanzhou, fuzhou in the early name "boundless life of tower". North to politics and four years (AD 1114) to play "the tower", please give name after destroyed and rebuilt many times, before and after Yi Mu for brick, to the first year of Song Shaoding to jia xian first year (AD 1228-1237) by the issuing mage easy brick for stone, first Yu Dongda ten years to Lao west tower meters, slightly low Yu Dongda, its scale and the east tower are almost Only men are required to guanyin and monkey walker relief cause tourists and scholar's widespread

Quanzhou stone pagoda, fujiang is our country ancient Shi Gou architectural Stone pagoda from the building size, shape, art, and other aspects, can be a reasonable It embodies the song dynasty the wisdom of the labouring people highly and great It not only is outstanding in Chinese stone tower, is second to none in the It is a medieval quanzhou overseas traffic heyday, the symbol of social prosperity of unique historical and cultural city of Now, the tower works graven images has become the city's top leaders present guests precious So it can be said that the tower has become a symbol of Is quanzhou the pride of the people and overseas Chinese and Taiwan compatriots township of Even haven't been to quanzhou people often say: a person to "lay tower stood like things, like the luoyang bridge", visible things tower in the eyes of their

"A famous, famous Dynasties, fujiang monks, or in buddhist writings called wins, or known as the poetry article, mark or Buddhism, or wto commitment, the generation of a monk, the tang dynasty first ZuKuang master, the five dynasties master knowledge, ritsu yihong, interpretation of the interpretation of the pure land Buddhism ChuQin, south zen annotation exhibition, bridge into the interpretation of wave nature, as the first abbot, Buddhism zen wonderful grace, WenLing Jackson release ring ring, good master ouyi release, "as the article like a willow, as like tao" poem of the interpretation of the great, more "practitioners do not forget to saving and saving the nation does not forget chanting", integrating Buddhism, calligraphy, stone, music, painting, poetry, modern ritsu mage hong

Word monk, fujiang, there are many buddhist going Such as the qing dynasty shunzhi years wooden temples Jackson, oceans and forward to be known, will become Japan's second strand of phellodendron amurense; After the founding of new China's turn on the old monk, in Indonesia, Nepal, Burma, Thailand, Singapore, The current live to tao yuan mage has also been invited to Brazilian buddhist, zen

"Buddha preached for a long time, SangLian alone make free voice" of quanzhou, fujiang, with its long history, the legend of magic, unique regulation, clever construction, precious cultural relics, beautiful art and outstanding reputation, monk is attracting tens of thousands of people 10 followers and visitors to the ritual worship,

Ladies and gentlemen, having visited quanzhou, fujiang, do you have the feeling of regret it? Are you a deeper understanding of the religious history museum in quanzhou? I wish the city quanzhou rich human landscape and beautiful natural sunlight and leave a good memories in your


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