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作者:婷云2020-12-19 20:03:13718

  那天中午到了吃饭的时间,姥姥看姨姨还没来,就自己做了手工面,做好了我们就狼吞虎咽得吃了起来,过了一会姨姨回来了,手里拿着一个大盒子。我们把盒子打开,哦,原来是比萨。我们每个人都分了点 ,每个人都慢慢品尝着,大家说说笑话,讲讲故事,脸上都挂着幸福笑容。

  At noon that day, when it was time to eat, grandma saw that her aunt had not yet come, so she made her own hand-made noodles, and when we did, we ate them. After a while, my aunt came back with a big box in her hand. Lets open the box. Oh, its pizza. Each of us has a little bit, everyone is tasting it slowly, everyone tells jokes, tells stories, and has a happy smile on his face.


  编辑特别推荐: 盒子姥姥, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!

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