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作者:雯梦2020-12-19 20:04:23702

  过年了,到处都喜气洋洋的,每个人的脸上都带着笑容,商店更是忙碌,每天都有很多人买年货。 大年三十的晚上妈妈做了一桌子美味佳肴,我们一家人团聚在一起吃年夜饭、放鞭炮。随着噼噼叭叭的响声,红红火火的鞭炮为我们带来了节日快乐的气氛。我们还看了春节晚会,春晚上有各种各样、五花八门的表演,比如小品、歌舞、杂技等等,十分精彩。 初一,我和妈妈一同去泉城广场参加《济南首届民俗文化艺术节》。广场上人山人海,一派热闹场面,有精彩的文艺表演、甜甜的缠蜜、栩栩如生的捏面人、生动有趣的糖画、山东的民俗小吃和琳琅满目的`图书等。我最喜欢捏面人了,手艺高超的师傅,一捏、一揉、一搓,一个栩栩如生的人物和动物就产生了,真神奇啊! 在古代,年是一个大怪物,但是我认为年是一个吉祥、快乐的好日子,我希望每天都像过年一样快快乐乐、开开心心的! 我的春节 终于盼到一年一度的春节了!春节是我最喜欢的节日。可以穿新衣、放烟花、看春晚,全家开开心心聚在一起,有说有笑,其乐融融。

  New years day, everywhere is jubilant, everyones face with a smile, the shop is more busy, every day there are many people to buy new years goods. On the eve of the Chinese New Years Eve, my mother made a table of delicious dishes. Our family got together to eat new years Eve dinner and set off firecrackers. With the sound of the beep, the red firecrackers bring us a happy atmosphere of the festival. We also watched the Spring Festival Gala. There were all kinds of performances, such as sketches, song and dance, acrobatics and so on. They were very wonderful. On the first day of junior high school, my mother and I went to Quancheng Square to participate in the first Jinan folk culture and Art Festival. The square is full of people and a lively scene. There are wonderful art performances, sweet honey wrapping, lifelike dough figurines, vivid and interesting sugar paintings, Shandong folk snacks and a wide range of books. I like to knead dough figurines most. The master has excellent skills. Once kneaded, kneaded and rubbed, a lifelike character and animal came into being. Its amazing! In ancient times, Nian is a big monster, but I think Nian is an auspicious and happy day. I hope every day is as happy and happy as Chinese New Year! My Spring Festival is finally looking forward to the annual Spring Festival! Spring Festival is my favorite festival. They can wear new clothes, set off fireworks and watch the Spring Festival Gala. The whole family can get together happily and happily.

  今天是大年三十,天还没黑我就听到外面乓、乓、乓的鞭炮声,我也忍不住了,就跑下楼去放烟花。只见一颗烟花升到空中,一瞬间爆炸了,烟花变成了星形,又在周围分布了几颗很小的星星, 那几颗星星又分出了上粗下细的枝杈像一朵盛开的菊花,特别漂亮!我看着这美丽的烟花,我也情不自禁地放了一束。我正兴致勃勃的放着烟花,爸爸叫我上楼吃饭。 我跑上楼,爸爸妈妈已经准备好一桌丰富的年夜饭,有鱼、虾、鸡|......一家人围绕在餐桌前举杯欢庆春节的到来,每个人脸上都充满了笑容,我感到好幸福啊! 我的春节 今天,我满怀着期望和兴奋,准备回老家过年。在路上,我左顾右盼,恨不得长出翅膀,直接飞回老家。 经过一个小时的路程,终于到家了!吃过午饭,我就开始和爸爸妈妈贴春联,因为我够不到,就只能给爸爸妈妈递春联,看着红红的春联,我觉得,浓浓年味又回来了。贴完春联,我就开始饶有兴趣地看奶奶包饺子,一会儿,我就忍不住了,学着奶奶的样子包起饺子来,可是我才包了几个,个个饺子都露了陷。唉!这可是团圆年,怎么能吃露了陷的饺子呢?以后多练练吧! 太阳不知不觉地下山了,晚上我们全家聚在桌子旁边,边吃年夜饭边看春晚,屋子里充满了快乐。看了一会儿春晚后,我和爸爸去放烟花,砰地一声响,一颗烟花弹直冲云霄,在天空中绽开了一朵朵美丽的、五颜六色的小花,真美啊!这时,我才留意到,家家户户都张灯结彩,鞭炮声,烟花声此起彼伏,整个村子弥漫着一股欢乐的气息。

  Today is new years Eve. Before dark, I heard the sound of banging, banging and banging outside. I couldnt help it, so I ran downstairs to set off fireworks. I saw a fireworks rise to the sky, an instant explosion, fireworks into a star, and around the distribution of a few very small stars, the stars and separated out the upper thick and thin branches like a blooming chrysanthemum, especially beautiful! I looked at this beautiful fireworks, I cant help but put a bunch. I was setting off fireworks with great interest. My father told me to go upstairs for dinner. I ran upstairs, my parents have prepared a rich new years Eve dinner, fish, shrimp, chicken... The family around the table to celebrate the arrival of the Spring Festival, everyones face is full of smiles, I feel so happy! My Spring Festival today, I am full of expectations and excitement, ready to return home for the new year. On the way, I looked left and right, hoping to grow wings and fly back to my hometown. After an hours journey, I finally got home! After lunch, I began to paste Spring Festival couplets with my parents. Because I couldnt reach them, I could only give them to my parents. Looking at the red couplets, I felt that the strong flavor of the new year was back. After pasting the Spring Festival couplets, I began to watch my grandmother make dumplings with great interest. After a while, I couldnt help it. I began to make dumplings like my grandmother, but I only made a few, and all the dumplings were exposed. Oh! This is the year of reunion. How can we eat dumplings with dew? Practice more! The sun went down into the mountain unconsciously. In the evening, our family gathered at the table, had dinner and watched the Spring Festival Gala. The room was full of happiness. After watching the Spring Festival gala for a while, my father and I went to set off fireworks, bang a sound, a fireworks bomb straight into the sky, blooming in the sky one after another beautiful, colorful flowers, really beautiful! At this time, I noticed that every family was decorated with lanterns, firecrackers, fireworks, the whole village filled with a sense of joy.


  编辑特别推荐: 烟花爸爸, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!

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