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作者:edditor12023-02-25 20:20:36557


中山陵导游词 第1篇






中山陵导游词 第2篇

各位团友, 我们现在来到了南京紫金山的第二峰, 小茅山的南麓, 这里就是伟大的中国民主革命先行者孙中山先生的陵墓所在地—中山陵.

中山陵的墓址是孙中山先生生前所选定的. 1925年3月孙先生临终前, 他又嘱咐左右“吾死之后, 可葬于南京紫金山麓, 因南京为临时政府成立之地, 所以不忘辛亥革命也. ”

吕彦直所设计的中山陵, 平面为一“木铎”形, 形状如钟, 象征着中山先生精神如响亮钟声, 无远弗达, 这种设计也最符合先生遗嘱中“唤起民众”之意. 被“葬事筹备处”认为“简朴坚实且完全根据中国古代建筑精神”, 从而获“一致决定采用”, 陵墓在孙中山先生逝世一周年之际奠基, 1926年6月1日开工, 1929年春天完工.


在广场的正南面有一座三层八角形的石台, 在石台上有一尊三足双耳的紫铜宝鼎, 重达万斤. 这只铜鼎是1933年秋由戴季陶和中山大学的全体师生捐赠的. 鼎的腹部铸有 “智,仁,勇”三个字. 鼎内立有一块六角形铜牌, 上面刻有《孝经》全文, 所以此鼎又名“孝经鼎”.


拾阶而上, 迎面有一牌坊, 横额上有一块石匾, 上面刻有孙中山先生手书的“博爱”两个镏金阴文, 所以被称为“博爱坊”. “博爱”一语出于唐朝韩愈《原道》中“博爱之谓仁”.


由博爱坊向前走, 是长480米, 宽近40米的墓道, 以两两对称的雪松, 桧柏, 银杏, 红枫等树木代替古代帝王墓前常见的石人石兽, 更好的表现了高洁长青的象征意义.


广场的正北方, 大家看到的就是陵门. 陵门是一座单檐歇山顶的建筑. 用福建花岗岩建成,上盖蓝色琉璃瓦. 陵门檐下的石额上镌刻着孙中山先生手书的“天下为公”四个大字, 语出《礼记·礼运》中的 “大道之行, 天下为公”. “天下为公”正是与 “家天下”相对立的思想, 三民主义中 “民权”所阐发的也正是这种思想.

在陵门前有一对三米高的石狮. 陵门两侧半环形的石拥壁与陵墓的围墙相连, 勾勒出 “自由钟”的下端轮廓.


陵门之后的这座拱券式结构的建筑就是碑亭. 亭顶为重檐歇山式, 上覆蓝色琉璃瓦, 亭身用花岗石砌成, 亭中间立有一块用整块花岗岩刻成的石碑, 碑高米, 碑座上有山海图案, 碑身上刻着 “中国国民党葬总理孙先生于此中华民国十八年六月一日” 二十四个颜体楷书镏金大字.字为原国民政府主席, 行政院院长谭延闿所写. 碑额上有阴刻的国民党党徽. 这块碑的最突出特点便是强调孙中山先生的葬礼为 “党葬”.

从碑亭到上面的祭堂共有八段大石阶, 每段设有一平台. 上三下五, 其寓意为 “三民主义, 五权宪法.” 这八段大石阶共有290级, 如果从博爱坊算起, 共有392级台阶. 当初这样设计的意图就是要游人在攀登时记住 “革命尚未成功, 同志仍须努力”这一总理的遗言.


我们正面的这座仿古代木结构宫殿式建筑就是祭堂了. 祭堂长30米, 宽25米, 高29米. 在其四角各建有一个堡垒式方室. 祭堂墙身全部用香港花岗岩砌成. 祭堂为歇山重檐蓝琉璃瓦顶, 在重檐正中嵌有孙中山先生手书的 “天地正气”直额. 檐下祭堂正面开了三个拱门, 门楣上方从东到西分别刻着由国民党元老张静江先生所书的 “民族”, “民生”, “民权”六个阳篆镏金字.

祭堂内用云南产的大理石铺地. 堂内左右前后排列着12根巨大的石柱, 四隐八显, 下承大理石柱础. 东西护壁上镌刻着孙中山先生书写的《建国大纲》的全文. 祭堂内顶为斗式, 正中藻井为马赛克镶嵌的国民党党徽图案, 表现了一党专_之意.

祭堂的正中端置着孙中山先生长袍马褂全身坐像. 石像用意大利白色大理石雕成, 高米, 由法国籍波兰雕刻家保罗·兰窦斯基于1930年在法国巴黎制成. 孙中山先生端坐在太师椅上, 膝上摊着展开的长卷, 他深思者, 双目凝视远方, 仿佛思考着建国方略, 表现出一位思想家的深沉和睿智. 在石像下的像座四周有六幅反映孙中山先生生平事迹的浮雕. 南面一幅为 “如抱赤子” , 东面两幅是 “出国宣传”和 “商讨革命” , 西面两幅是 “振聋发聩”和 “讨袁护国”. 北面是 “国会授印”.


祭堂与墓室两端想通. 墓门分两道, 外门是两扇铜质大门, 门楣横额上刻有 “浩气长存”,取自孙中山为黄花岗烈士墓的题字. 第二道门是单扇铜门, 门上刻有 “孙中山先生之墓”七个篆字.

墓室为天穹状半球形封闭建筑, 直径18米, 高11米, 顶呈天穹状, 顶上有用马赛克镶成的国民党党徽图案. 墓室正中的圆形大理石石圹内的石棺座上安放着由捷克雕塑家高祺按孙先生刚刚去世时的遗体形象所作的汉白玉卧像, 雕像着中山装, 安详入睡,.

在这尊卧像下五米处就是孙先生的墓穴了. 中山先生的遗体自1929年6月1日放入墓穴后, 就从未曾被打开, 移动过.

1961年国务院把中山陵列为全国重点文物保护单位. 现为全国5A级的旅游景区.


中山陵导游词 第3篇



孙先生简介:说起中山陵,当然要提到它的主人--伟大的中国民主革命先行者孙中山先生。孙先生本名孙文,字逸仙。外国友人都称呼他为"孙逸仙博士"。因为他(早年)在日本从事革命活动时曾用过"中山樵"的化名,所以他在国内被尊称为孙中山先生。孙中山1866年11月12日出生于广东香山县(今中山市)翠亨村的一个农民家庭。早年学医的,后毕业于香港的西医学院,后在广州、澳门等地行医。清朝末期,清政府腐败无能,孙中山依然弃医从政,并于1905年在日本组织中国第一个资产阶级-中国同盟会,被推举为总理,提出了"驱除按虏,恢复中华,建立民国,平均地权"的著名纲领,及"民族、民权、民生"的三民主义学说。1911年10月10日武昌起义爆发后,孙先生被已经宣布独立的十七省代表一致推举为中华民国临时大总统,并于1912年元1日在南京宣誓就职。但也紧当了临时总统三个月后,为了追求南北和平,与袁世凯妥协,于童年的日,辞去总统的职位,让位于了袁世凯,要求袁世凯发誓效忠共和,推翻帝制,来南京就任总统,但是袁世凯(他的幕僚以及势力都集中在北京)所以他当然不愿意来南京,就找了背景兵变为理由在北京当了总统,此后,孙中山进行了"二次革命""护国运动""护法运动"等,1921年他在广州就任中华民国非常大总统。在1924年1月广州召开的中国国民党第一次全国代表大会上,他将旧三民主义发展为新三民主义,提出了"联俄联共扶助农工"的三大政策。同年11月他应冯玉祥之邀抱病北上讨论国家大计,终因积劳成疾,于1925年3月12日在北京逝世。遗体经过防腐处理,安放在北京西山碧云寺。 1929年6月1日安放(长眠于)在了南京中山陵。


原因有三点:早在1912年孙先生就任临时大总统时,灵谷寺的住持和尚就曾向他推荐过这块"前临平川,后拥青嶂"的风水宝地。当年3月31日,中山先生为求南北和平统一,毅然辞去总统之职。4月初的一天,他与胡汉民等人到明孝陵一带打猎,来到现陵墓所在地休息。孙先生环顾四周,对左右说,我将来死后,想向国民求得这块土地以安葬(待我他日辞世后,愿向国民乞一抔土以安置躯壳尔)(可以稍微解释一下啊)。孙先生临终前嘱咐:"吾死之后,可葬于南京紫金山麓,因南京为临时政府成立之地,所以不忘辛亥革命也。"因此,尽管孙先生在南京停留时间并不长,但南京对于孙先生是具有特殊意义的。他选择南京紫金山为墓址,从根本上说,是为了纪念辛亥革命,激励革命同仁(希望国民党人能将他未完的革命事业继续坚持下去,革命尚未成功,同志任须努力)。 孙先生去世后,遗体三天后送去了北京协和医院,进行防腐的处理,先生在去世之前,曾交代过,希望遗体能像俄国革命家列宁一样放在水晶棺里,供后人瞻仰。先生的遗体也是经历了万般的磨难啊。



中山陵的建造可以说是南京城建设史上的一件大事。当年为了迎接孙先生灵枢,南京修筑了第一条柏油马路--西起中山码头,(全长12公里,也是南京第一条柏油马路)直到今天,中山路依然是南京最主要的交通干道之一。在中山门到中山陵之间还修筑了一条陵园路。就是我们现在所走的这条路了,很漂亮,两边都是法国梧桐树,是南京重要的行道树,其实这种树是产自己咋们中国云南地区的,应为这种树很漂亮,当时有个人法国人将它移植到上海法租界,才得了现在这么一个土洋结合的名字。 在法国那边也有种梧桐树,她们叫中国梧桐。(这种树很适合南京的气候,我们都知道南京是全国三大火炉之一,当炎炎夏日,人们来往穿梭于城市,大树底下好乘凉蛮。不然的话你会免费的享受一下蒸桑拿的感觉哦)咋们朋友马上要到中山陵参观了,小刘要告诉大家,中山陵里不能抽烟和乱丢垃圾,抓到了,您可能想大不了罚款嘛,我这次出来旅游,什么都带的不出,就是钱带得比较多,到时候钱都没有用了,南京市博爱之都,违反了规定,景区管理员不罚您款,而是要您也要博爱一下,为孙先生打扫陵墓2个小时。中山陵里面还有景点交通车,大家不要坐了,它开往其他的旅游景点的车子,凭票坐视免费的,但是到了另外景点,是要掏钱买票才能进去了。马上车子就到中山陵停车场了,下车后,大家带好贵重物品,车停稳后在下,进入陵园前面会有一条商业街,大家别急的去这边买,一会大家随小刘上去,一定要跟紧了,我们门票是一票制的,只能用一次,您要是没有随小刘进去,那您就得自己在陶80元买漂亮进去了,好了,我们马上到中山陵去了,等车停稳后,大家带好贵重物品随小刘下车。

好了,我们朋友现在跟着小刘走,去看看钟山风景区的导览图,这个可就是南京最高的山脉了,448米,只能说是个小丘陵了,(我们现在在什么位置啊?39,记好咯待会我们就在这边集合,我们中山陵半小时,记得在*点时准时到这里集合,迟到的人到了车上要给我们大家表演节目。O(∩_∩)O~)先来看下左边的红色建筑是明朝开国皇帝朱元璋和皇后马娘娘的合葬墓-明孝陵,已经和北京的明十三陵,都被列入世界文化遗产了,很可惜地面上的红色建筑都被天平天国时期打战时毁了,地面的建筑师清朝两江总督曾国藩重新修建的,规模大不如前了,地宫没有开发出来,之所没被开发,因为怕文物出土后会被氧化掉。那文物没法保存了,北京的定陵出土的万历皇帝的龙袍就被氧化掉只剩碎片了,后来南京的云景博物馆用了3年时间,重新复制了一件,。马王堆出土的纱衣,一拿出来之后,不久也化为灰烬了。所以南京的明孝陵没有开发。有很多的秘密留给后人去探索了。大家可以看下,在明孝陵神道有座梅花山,这个是初春赏梅的胜地,这个是东吴孙权的陵墓的所在,也是汪精卫的陵墓所在,蒋返都南京后,把汪精卫陵墓炸掉。 中山陵比明孝陵位子高点,中山陵整个是成一个古代大钟的形状,因为钟声能传的很远,也是警示后人,革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力。大家看下我们今天所走的路是一条路直上直下,一目了然。大家看下在明孝陵和中山陵的之间有个亭子,其实是蒋介石为他死后所选的墓,比明孝陵高些,比中山陵矮,蒋认为自己的功绩比朱元璋厉害,可无法和孙中山先生相比。左边是灵谷寺景区,明清时间是香火非常旺的寺庙,不过毁了,现在时是北伐阵亡的将士和淞沪抗战牺牲的将士的公墓。

紫铜宝鼎:接着跟着小刘去参观中山陵景点区吧。台上那尊双耳三足的紫铜宝鼎,重5000公斤,此鼎铸于1933年秋,由广州中山大学全体师生和戴季陶捐赠。鼎一面铸有"智、仁、勇"三个字,是中山大学校训。鼎内竖有一块六角形铜牌,上刻戴母手书《孝经》全文。 戴季陶和老蒋是很好的朋友,称蒋介石在日本与戴季陶共居时,戴季陶结识了当地的护士重松金子。交往之下,金子怀孕了,并且产下一子,这个儿子便是蒋纬国。金子生下蒋纬国几年就过世了。因为生父戴季陶的原配钮有恒性情较烈,如果知道丈夫出轨的话,就要闹翻天了。一直没有让他的原配知道,戴季陶很容易地就瞒著她,和好友蒋介石说好,由蒋认子。蒋介石把婴儿取名为纬国,与在上海结缘的夫人姚冶诚一起抚养。蒋介石蒋蒋伟国视为己出,非常的疼爱他。最后在1989年1月11日,蒋纬国以《蒋经国总统逝世一年来的感受》为题在台北发表演讲,首次在公开场合谈及自己的身世。蒋纬国说,就他而言,无论是蒋介石还是戴季陶,“做谁的儿子,我都愿意。”


墓道:由博爱坊向前走,是一段长480米,宽数十米的墓道。中山陵的整体设计,突出中国的传统风格,庄严肃穆,独具特色。为了体现孙先生的崇高伟大,中山陵沿用了古代依山为陵的惯例,将墓室筑于海拔约160米的全陵最高处。而墓道两边的这些雪松、桧柏、银杏、红枫两两相对,代替了古代惯用的石人石兽,象征着孙先生的革命精神和高尚品质。雪松是世界四大观赏树种大一,现已成为南京市的市树。 下面是八角金盘。是很好绿化植物,防尘防污染的。


碑亭:过了陵门便是碑亭。刻有国民党元老谭延闿手书的"中国国民党葬总理孙先生于此中华民国十八年六月一日"24个馏金颜体大字。谭延闿书法是当时明国时期四大书法家之一,他的楷书写的很好。孙中山本来是要举行国葬的,但后来改成了党葬,孙在党内当过最高的职位是总理,所以这里写实党葬总理了。当初讨论立碑时,计划由汪精卫、胡汉民等人分别撰写铭文、墓志铭等。可花了两年时间也没写出来。大家都认为先生的思想功绩是文字所无法概括的、于是索性不写铭文,改用现在的形式。 不好还好没有写,大家都知道汪是汉奸,孙中山是一代伟人,伟人的碑由汉奸来写,显然不好,这个也是天注定不让汪写的

在碑亭后网上看,迎面石阶层层叠叠。所以来这儿游览的客人常常要问:中山陵究竟有多少级台阶呢? 这个要从博爱坊数起起了392级。代表着孙先生所提出的三名主义“民国民权民生”和五权宪法“司法考试检查立法行政”。现在往上看我们可以看到层层叠叠的台阶,一会大家跟着小刘往上走,到了顶部可以看下,可以看到什么,小刘就不告诉大家,只有坚持不谢的人才能看这一景观了。



中山陵导游词 第4篇







中山陵导游词 第5篇





中山陵导游词 第6篇

National 4A tourist Originally known as the cemetery, it is located at the south foot of Xiaomao mountain, the second peak of Zhongshan It is the mausoleum of Sun Yat Sen, the great revolutionary It faces south from the north and is built close to the It is composed of a semicircular square, a memorial archway, a tomb passage, a tomb gate, a stele Pavilion, a memorial hall and a tomb The tomb is 165 meters above sea level, 700 meters from the starting plane, and 73 meters from the top to the The general plan of the whole group of buildings adopts the pattern of "Liberty Bell", which means "making the world reach the Tao". Those who look up from below can see that the vast forest is set off by the blue tiles and silver walls, just like the noble righteousness of a great man, living with the The grand mausoleum project was laid in March 1926 and completed in the spring of On May 28 of the same year, Sun Yat Sen's coffin arrived in Nanjing from On June 1, the Fengan ceremony was held in Zhongshan

With the efforts of relevant departments and a cost of 4 billion yuan, the Zhongshan cemetery scenic spot in Nanjing has been renovated for four The newly completed scenic spots will be opened to the public free of After this rectification, Qianhu Park, Pipa Lake Park, meihuagu Park, Xiamafang Heritage Park, Boai Park and Zhongshan sports park will be built around the original core area of the scenic spot And Yingpanshan

From the square to the sacrificial hall, the slope of Zhongshan Mausoleum increases step by From Boai square to the sacrificial hall, the elevation angle is 9 From the stele pavilion to the sacrificial hall, the elevation angle is increased to 19 There are 392 steps in Zhongshan Mausoleum, which add a sense of solemnity and reverence step by After walking the stone steps, you can reach the Looking back, you can't see any stone You can only see that the eight platforms are connected as flat When you stand on the platform and look up, you can see all the peaks at your You can have a panoramic view of the The hills are emerald, the pines and cypresses are green, the pavilions are

The new Qianhu park is located at the foot of the wall of Mingcheng City, north of Zhongshan Botanical Garden, displaying more than 20XX kinds of tropical plants; meihuagu Park, which is expanded from Meihuashan, covers an area of 1533 mu, with more than 350 varieties of Meihua, increasing from 15000 to nearly Xiamafang heritage park takes the long Xiaoling Shinto as the main Along the line, there are three groups of stone buildings and a large number of precious stone relics of Ming and Qing Dynasties, such as newly unearthed high relief dragon stone tablet, Guanyin Pavilion big stone wall, Kangxi "fengzhimiansanze tablet", which are of great ornamental

中山陵导游词 第7篇

Dear visitors: before reaching the sun yat-sen's mausoleum, begin by telling you a brief introduction of sun yat-sen's life. Sun yat-sen, named sun wen, word yat-sen, engaged in revolutionary activities in Japan once known as "zhongshan firewood". He was born on November 12, 1866 in xiangshan county of guangdong province tsui (now zhongshan city), is the leader of the revolution in China. Sun yat-sen once studied abroad in his early years, in 1892 graduated from the Hong Kong institute of medicine, was once to practice medicine. Of the 20 (superscript th) century China, disaster, the qing government to sign the country with the imperialist powers of the national treaty, making China into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society completely suffering abyss. _ _ _ _ witnessed the qing government, sun yat-sen resolutely give up practicing medicine, devoted to the revolution, in August 1905 and a group of bourgeois revolutionary intellectuals, organization set up in Tokyo Japan in China's modern history the first organisation with a nature of bourgeois parties "Chinese brothers", put forward the "nation, the people's livelihood, civil rights," that is, "three people's principles" revolutionary programme. From 1907 to October 1907, brothers in our country continuously launch armed uprising in south China, especially in the April 27, 1911, launched the guangzhou uprising. Guangzhou uprising, though ultimately failed, for the same year on October 10, the wuchang uprising victory laid a foundation. From then on, the provinces have, _ _ _ _ for over 20_ years of Chinese feudal monarchy, the profound and far-reaching influence of China's modern history a great revolution, the revolution.

On December 29, 1911, in the central of the interim government meeting, everybody unanimously elected sun yat-sen as the provisional President of the republic of China, to discuss China's temporary government and east of nanjing, determined for the first year of the republic of China in 1912. On January l, 1912, sun yat-sen as temporary President from Shanghai to nanjing. But because of the support of yuan shikai and revolutionary compromises, on April 1, 1912, sun yat-sen as temporary President formally, yuan shikai steal revolutionary fruit, and its capital Beijing. Revolution despite setbacks, but sun yat-sen not discouraged, continue to expand the dharma, protecting movement, movement for yuan. In January 1924, the first cooperation with the communist party of China, and put forward the "united Russia, the communist party, the peasants" of the "new three people's principles". Until late liver cancer, he still endure pain, north and feng yuxiang to discuss affairs of state. On March 12, 1925, died in Beijing due to the deterioration of liver disease.

Sun yat-sen was very like to zhong shan (mountain). As early as in 1912, as temporary President, had been hiking tour. On April 1, the same year was discharged after the post of President, here hunting, see here landscape dependencies, magnificence, had his back to rest the idea of the mountain. Dying in Beijing, he also never forget this dream, urges. Sun yat-sen buried purple mountain, of course, is not just an individual desire, there is another important reason, is that nanjing was the birthplace of the revolution and the temporary seat of government, sun yat-sen reposing in this, said the crusade against the monarchy and the resolve to continue to revolution.

In order to respect the sun yat-sen's wishes by the lady soong ching ling, son sunke composed of people such as sun yat-sen was buried in Shanghai, by publicizing award, solicitation mausoleum design scheme. In numerous candidates, the age of 33, alarm bell shape design of young architects Lv Yanzhi design was awarded the first prize. He has been hired to host all project. Lv Yanzhi is dongping county of shandong province, was born in 1894 in tianjin. Early architecture in tsinghua university after graduation, has been sent at Cornell university in the United States, at public expense by American famous designer shigeru the guidance of the Philippines, back home, open "he architecture firm" in Shanghai. In order to design, sun yat-sen memorial hall, sun yat-sen's mausoleum in nanjing and guangzhou, and hard-working. In close to the end of the project, who is suffering from liver cancer, died on March 18, 1929, at the age of 36.

中山陵导游词 第8篇

各位游客:在到达中山陵之前,先向大家简要地介绍一下孙中山先生的生平。孙中山,姓孙名文,字逸仙,在日本从事革命活动时曾化名“中山樵”。他于1866年11月12日生于广东省香山县翠亨村(现已改为中山市),是中国辛亥革命的领袖。孙中山早年曾求学海外,1892年毕业于香港西医学院,曾一度行医。20世纪初年的中国,灾难深重,清政府与帝国主义列强签订了丧权辱国的《辛丑条约》,使中国完全陷入半殖民地半封建社会的苦难深渊。目睹清政府的****,孙中山毅然放弃行医,投身革命,于1905年8月和一批资产阶级革命的知识分子,在日本东京组织成立了中国近代史上第一个带有资产阶级政党性质的组织“中国同盟会”,提出了“民族、民生、民权”即“三民主义”的革命纲领。从1907年到1911年10月前,同盟会在我国华南地区不断发动武装起义,特别是在1911年4月27日发动了广州起义。广州起义虽然最终遭到失败,但为同年10月10日的武昌起义取得胜利奠定了基础。从此各省纷纷响应,****了 2000多年的中国封建帝制,这就是中国近代史上影响深刻、意义深远的一次伟大革命——辛亥革命。



为了尊重孙中山先生的遗愿,由孙夫人宋庆龄,儿子孙科等人组成的孙中山葬事筹备处,通过登报悬奖,征集陵墓设计方案。在众多的应征者中,年仅 33岁的青年建筑师吕彦直设计的警钟形图案被一致评为首奖。他本人也被聘主持全部工程。吕彦直是山东省东平县人,1894年生于天津。早年在清华大学建筑系毕业后,被公费派往美国康奈尔大学深造,得到美国著名设计师茂菲的指导,回国后,在上海开设“彦记建筑事务所”。为了设计南京中山陵和广州中山纪念堂,呕心沥血,不辞辛劳。在工程接近尾声时,身患肝癌,于1929年3月18日病逝,时年36岁。

中山陵导游词 第9篇






中山陵导游词 第10篇





中山陵导游词 第11篇

Dear friends, when you come to a famous historical and cultural city, you must want to see the most famous and characteristic scenic When you get to Nanjing, if you don't go to Zhongshan Mausoleum, you can only see half of Nanjing Although Nanjing is known as the "ancient capital of Six Dynasties" and has many places of interest, such as "forty scenes of Jinling", Zhongshan Mausoleum is undoubtedly one of the most attractive and

When we talk about Zhongshan Mausoleum, we should of course mention its owner, Sun Yat Sen, the great pioneer of China's democratic Sun's real name is Sun Wen and his character is Foreign friends call him " Sun Yat Sen". Because he used the pseudonym of "Zhongshan Qiao" when he was engaged in revolutionary activities in Japan, he was honored as Sun Yat sen in Sun Yat Sen was born on November 12, 1866 in Cuiheng village, Xiangshan County, Guangdong He had little He studied in Honolulu, Hong Kong and other After graduation, he practiced medicine in Guangzhou, Macao and other Later, he abandoned medicine and went into In 1905, he organized the Chinese Alliance in Japan, and was elected as the He put forward the famous program of "expelling prisoners, restoring China, establishing the Republic of China, and averaging land rights", and the theory of "nation, civil rights, and people's livelihood". After the Wuchang Uprising broke out on October 10, 1911, Sun was elected as the provisional president of the Republic of China by the representatives of 17 provinces, and was sworn in in in Nanjing on New Year's day the following Since then, he has experienced many ups and downs, such as "Yuan Shikai stealing the country", "the second revolution", "the movement to protect the country", "the movement to protect the law" and so At the first National Congress of the Chinese Kuomintang held in Guangzhou in January 1924, he developed the old three people's principles into the new three people's principles, and put forward three major policies of "uniting Russia and the Communist Party to help farmers and workers". In November of the same year, at the invitation of Feng Yuxiang, he went north with illness to discuss the national Finally, he died in Beijing on March 12, 1925 due to chronic

The tomb site of Zhongshan Mausoleum was selected by It's a good place to build a mausoleum because of its wide view and magnificent You may ask: Sun was born in Guangdong, died in Beijing, and spent his whole life traveling for the Why did he choose Nanjing as his resting place?

It is said that as early as 1912, when Sun took office as the provisional president, the abbot monk of Linggu Temple once recommended this geomantic treasure land of "Pingchuan in the front and Qingzhang in the back". On March 31 of that year, in order to seek the peaceful reunification of the north and the south, Sun Yat Sen resolutely resigned as One day in early April, he and Hu Hanmin went hunting in the area of Xiaoling Mausoleum of Ming Dynasty, and came to the site of the mausoleum to have a Sun looked around and said to the left and right, when I die in the future, I want to ask the people for this land for Of course, the momentum and Feng Shui of Zijin Mountain is not the fundamental reason for Sun's On his deathbed, Sun said: "after my death, I can be buried at the foot of Zijin Mountain in Because Nanjing is the place where the provisional government was established, I will not forget the revolution of "Therefore, although Sun's stay in Nanjing is not long, Nanjing is of special significance to He chose Nanjing Zijin Mountain as the tomb site, fundamentally speaking, to commemorate the revolution of 1911 and inspire the revolutionary

In order to respect Sun's will, the preparatory office for Sun Yat Sen's burial, composed of his wife Song Qingling and Sun Ke, inspected the site on the spot, selected the site of the mausoleum, planned a site of 20XX mu to repair the mausoleum, and published a newspaper award to collect the mausoleum Among the applicants, the bell pattern designed by young architect LV Yanzhi was unanimously awarded the first prize, and he was also employed to preside over all the On March 12, 1926, on the first anniversary of Sun's death, a foundation laying ceremony was It took more than three years and cost million silver Zhongshan Mausoleum was finally completed in the spring of Unfortunately, Lu Yanzhi, a talented young architect studying in the United States, devoted himself to the construction of the Unfortunately, he suffered from liver cancer as well as He died at the end of the project at the age of The Fengan ceremony was held on June 1, 1929, and Sun's body was transported from Beijing to Since then, Sun has been sleeping here for more than 60

The construction of Zhongshan Mausoleum is a great event in the history of Nanjing city In order to meet Sun's spiritual pivot, Nanjing built the first asphalt road, Zhongshan Road, which is 24 Li long, from Zhongshan Wharf in the west to Zhongshan Gate in the Up to now, Zhongshan road is still one of the main roads in At the same time, the Chaoyang Gate of Ming Dynasty was renovated and renamed Zhongshan A cemetery road was built between Zhongshan Gate and Zhongshan Just as Parisians are proud of the Champs Elysees and New Yorkers are proud of the Fifth Avenue, Nanjing people are most proud of the beautiful Boulevard of their The 3 km long Cemetery Road is undoubtedly the best representative of Nanjing On this side of the "green corridor", Wutong is planted on the main street tree of People used to call it "China's Wutong", but traced back to the source, it is our native It was only because the French transplanted it from Yunnan to the French concession in Shanghai that they got the name of the combination of local and foreign

After leaving Zhongshan Gate, drive along Lingyuan Road, and the end point is the half moon square in front of Zhongshan Please look Just south of the square is an octagonal stone The two eared and three legged red copper tripod on the stage, weighing 5000 kg, is meters high and meters in It is one of the commemorative decorations of Zhongshan The tripod was cast in the autumn of 1933 and donated by all the teachers and students of Guangzhou Sun Yat sen University and Dai "Wisdom, benevolence and bravery" is the motto of Sun Yat sen There is a hexagonal bronze plate in the tripod, engraved with the full text of filial piety written by Dai

Stepping up from the square, facing is a stone archway with four pillars and three Built in 1931-1933, the archway is 12 meters high and meters The building blocks are made of large pieces of Fujian granite, but they are made of traditional Chinese wood When you look up, you can see the glittering word "fraternity" in the middle of the These two words are Sun's handwriting, originally from the Tang Han Yu's "original way" of "fraternity is benevolence". It is said that Sun loved to give away the word "title" when he was Sun devoted his whole life to the bourgeois democratic revolution with the great spirit of fraternity, and fought for the independence and freedom of the It can be said that the word "fraternity" is a high summary and the best portrayal of his

Walking forward from Bo Ai Fang is a 480 meter long and tens of meters wide tomb The overall design of Zhongshan Mausoleum highlights the traditional Chinese style, solemn and In order to reflect sun's sublimity and greatness, Zhongshan Mausoleum followed the ancient custom of taking the mountain as the mausoleum, and built the tomb chamber at the highest place of the mausoleum at an altitude of about 160 In addition, the architectural vegetation of the whole mausoleum area is axial symmetry, which gives people a sense of Please look Facing north, there are mausoleum gate, stele Pavilion, sacrificial hall and tomb chamber behind the sacrificial The cedars, cypresses, Ginkgo biloba and red maple on both sides of the tomb path are opposite each other, replacing the stone man and stone beast used in ancient times, symbolizing Sun's revolutionary spirit and noble Cedrus deodara is one of the four major ornamental tree species in the world, and has become the city tree of

At the end of the passage is the According to the design of LV Yanzhi, the whole mausoleum is in the shape of "Mu Duo". Duo is what we usually call big bell In ancient times, it was used to announce religious and political decrees and war Duo's voice is loud, and spread far It has the metaphorical meaning of "make the world reach Tao". The selection of such a scheme for the mausoleum reminds us of Sun's famous saying that "the revolution has not yet been successful, comrades still need to work hard", and its intention is also warning future The platform square here is the lower edge of the "freedom clock" designed by LV This magnificent three arch gate is the official beginning of the It is 16 meters high, 27 meters wide and meters It is also made of Fujian On the banner of Zhongmen is Sun Yat Sen's handwritten "the world is for the public", which comes from the book of Liyun's "the journey of the road is also the world is for the public", which means that the state power is not the world of any family, but the world of the people and the This is the ideal that Sun has strived for all his life and an excellent annotation of the three people's principles he

After the mausoleum gate is the stele On the 9-meter-high monument in the center of the pavilion, there are 24 large characters with gold inlaid face, written by Tan Yankai, a veteran of the Kuomintang, "the Chinese Kuomintang buried Sun here on June 1, the eighteenth year of the Republic of ". At the beginning of the discussion, Wang Jingwei and Hu Hanmin planned to write inscriptions and epitaphs It took two years to We all think that Wang's ideological achievements can't be summarized by words, so we simply don't write inscriptions and use the present form

Out of the pavilion, facing the stone steps layer upon Nanjing people often say that the steps of Zhongshan Mausoleum are like stone lions of Lugou So visitors here often ask: how many steps does Zhongshan Mausoleum have?

Dear friends, you might as well count it, OK?

中山陵导游词 第12篇








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